The rise of TikTok is forcing anime to explore a controversial change

The rise of TikTok is forcing anime to explore a controversial change

Turns out TikTok has done it a lot to change the viewing habits of many anime fans As a result, the industry itself has begun to explore the possibility of offering shorter and smaller projects. Media has seen many changes over the decades as radio finally gave way to television, television finally gave way to streaming services, and now those streaming services are giving way to networks. more isolated social and video experiences. Through platforms like TikTok and other social networks, viewers have been able to more precisely select the types of media they want to watch and how they want to watch it.

Those behind the scenes in Crunchyroll has taken note of this media change landscape too. Because while it’s clear that interest in anime has been at an all-time high (one study even claims that There will soon be a billion anime fans around the world), anime needs to change to keep up with the changing landscape. Speaking with Nikkei Xtrend, Crunchyroll COO Gita Rebbapragada and president Rahul Purini explained that changing habits on TikTok are also making them explore the possibility of offering anime options that are much shorter and more engaging for audiences on those platforms. . Videos


TikTok is going to change the way anime is viewed

When asked about changing trends the two have noticed about anime and how they think it will evolve in the future, they noted that they will need to find a way to connect with the next generation who are creating their own content for social media. Explaining that “the younger generation is spending a lot of time creating their own content and the platforms are providing them with the tools to do so” and that although it is not immediate, “they will have to think about how to interact with the generation that creates.” its own content.”

More specifically, the two explained that the length of anime episodes may need to be changed to appeal to the shorter viewing times of social media videos: “Most anime are between 21 and 24 minutes long. Meanwhile, younger generations are used to watching short 2-4 minute videos one after the other (on TikTok, etc.). We need to think about how to tell anime stories differently than we have traditionally done. The anime ecosystem itself needs to continue evolving.” Naturally, this idea has sparked a bit of debate among anime fans, as the idea of ​​shortening these episodes doesn’t appeal to everyone.

Crunchyroll has already been making changes

Anime fans may have already noticed how Crunchyroll appeals to those shorter attention spans with music videos and shorter anime offerings like banana or another series of jokes. But for those concerned about the potential source of these new offerings, Purini spoke with Nikkei Xtrend earlier this summer and stated that “I believe anime should be inherently ‘Japanese’ and told from the perspective of Japanese creators. “We want more anime, more diverse stories, and it is important that Japanese creators remain involved in them.”

But in stating this, Purini also made sure to point out that worthy anime adaptations could also come from anywhere: “Stories worthy of being adapted into animation can come from anywhere, including Korean webtoons and games. Crunchyroll is always on the lookout for new trends and signs of success. For example, we can present Indian intellectual property to Japanese creators and suggest that if they turn this intellectual property into an anime and tell a story, it could resonate with audiences in the region.”

It’s clear that Crunchyroll is looking into TikTok and how it’s changing the environment, but it’s also clear that they’re unlikely to discard what’s working in favor of completely switching to a new, shorter format.

via Nikkei Xtrend

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