Woman charged with illegally voting and registering in Wilson County

Woman charged with illegally voting and registering in Wilson County

A downstate woman faces voter fraud charges because election integrity is a priority.

Wilson County District Attorney Jason Lawson told FOX 17 News this sends a message to others: follow state law and vote legally or you could face serious consequences.

When you go to vote, you show your ID, your address is verified with what is in the system and you sign a document indicating that everything is correct.

In Wilson County, Erica Waterbury is accused of not following the law since she voted in July.

A source told FOX 17 News he used a different address when casting his vote.

Wilson County voter Preston George said allegations of fraud should be taken seriously.

“When a voter tries to vote in a direction that is not theirs, I mean they are paying the price,” he said.

Waterbury faces one count of illegal registration or voting; was recently arrested.

The prosecution described the act as intentional.

Lawson told FOX 17 News what consequences Waterbury could have.

“Our legislature considers illegal voting in Tennessee a class D felony that carries between 2 and 4 years of punishment, which could range from probation to possible jail time and could carry a maximum of up to $5,000,” he said. .

Why did it take the Wilson County Election Commission months to figure this out?

To start, we asked Tammy Smith, the elections administrator, why she didn’t know about voter fraud.

“Because if they sign under penalty of perjury that they live at that address on an application, I’m not going to go to everyone’s house to make sure they live there,” he said.

He also noted that his hands are tied by state laws.

Doug Kufner, communications director for Secretary of State Tre Hargett, sent us this statement in part:

“Local officials routinely conduct list maintenance, monitoring postal information for returned mail, address changes, as well as business lists to identify those who may have moved. Voters also declare under oath that the address listed on their voter registration is your legal place of residence.”

Lawson said it’s up to citizens to make sure they follow the laws when they vote.

Smith suggested there also needs to be more laws that allow the electoral commission more freedom to crack down.

Waterbury did not respond to us for comment on his position.

His next court date is scheduled for late next month, according to Lawson.

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