I’m still terrified by trucks due to the final destination

I’m still terrified by trucks due to the final destination

For a quarter of a century now, the Final destination The franchise has tried to shake the spectators with The existential fear of knowing that death is always on the prowl On the back of the corner, a moment of bad luck. However, for many of us he also instilled a disproportionate fear of a particular objective or activities of every day, since it was used for horrible violence in films. Some say they would never try gymnastics after watching the scene of the parallel bar in Final destination 5while others refuse to try to tan after seeing Final destination 3. Personally, these horror classics have given me an unhealthy caution of trucks in all forms. videos

Final destination It is a series of terror about a supernatural phenomenon where a character glimpses the future, allowing themselves and some others to avoid death. However, the characters are now marked by death, and cannot escape him no matter how they try during the film. It is a brilliant comment on mortality and a large configuration for a wide variety of bloody scenes. For better or worse, blood is what really remains in our heads.

The objective of this configuration is that these deaths are very unlikely: they become more extravagant as each film continues and death becomes increasingly desperate to claim the characters. Hyperpecific deaths such as spike wire in the air in Final destination 2 He could stay in his head without causing him fear, while deaths in unknown environments can make him think twice before visiting those places, such as the death of the weight machine in Final destination 3 or the death of the industrial winch in Final destination 5.

The trucks of Final destination

Where the series really catches you are the deaths that your subconscious mind can correlate with the things you see every day, and when it comes to trucks, we get several of those. The employer begins where he probably suspects: the highway highway in Final destination 2. In the sequel, the crash really becomes bad when a felling truck loses its load and the fresh wood suddenly is loading through peak hour traffic. It goes through the windshield, demolish cars and empalas some unfortunate victims.

This is often cited as an unforgettable moment for the franchise, but even if you stay with you, it is not too difficult to avoid the logging specifically. If a horror movie makes you more cautious on the road, it is probably a positive network. However, if you are lucky to link this fear of all other deaths related to the series truck like me, things become a bit complicated.

In the next movie Final destination 3The true terror of the combustion engine reaches the forefront. We encourage the despicable Frankie (Sam Easton) to leave the plot, but we must stop and take a look at how it happened. Frankie was online in a fast food drive-thru when a out-of-control cash truck crashed into the back of the line, breaking all cars. The impact was so large that the motor of the truck behind Frankie exploded through the grill, that the rotors still turn. These blades got into Frankie’s head, making it practically unrecognizable.

Even Yo Know enough about cars to know that this is probably unlikely, but it still stands out in my memory every time a mass truck looks behind me. Nor ends there: the fourth movie, The final destinationIt shows us the horrible potential of a crane when Carter (Justin Wellborn) is dragged by the street, immolated and exploited by his “service vehicle.” Then, the film ends with three characters that think they have survived being hit by an 18 -wheeled vehicle, which crashes against the cafeteria where they are sitting.

We can count several other deaths such as “related to the truck” if we stretch a bit: driving is one of the most dangerous activities that we do regularly, so it should not be a big surprise that comes much in Final destinationThe goring scenes. The collapse of the suspensive bridge in Final destination 5 It comes to mind, even if Candice (Ellen Wroe) is finally impaled in a sailboat mast instead of any truck piece. I would also like to get attention to Billy’s death (Seann William Scott) in the first Final destination. It is beheaded by a piece of debris thrown by a passing train. This crawls into my mind every time I hear that Truck tries to throw little pebbles in the air.

He Final destination The franchise has a unique way of presenting Your audience With many different fears, but challenging ourselves to face them in front, not because we have nothing to fear, but because there is no alternative. The series has been in pause for more than a decade, but this spring, we will finally have the opportunity to face our fears again in Final Destiny Blood Linesthat will be released in theaters on May 16, 2025. Hopefully it can keep that empowering message that we all need, and for my good, I hope there are no death scenes related to the truck.

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