People spit my children because they do not believe they are biologically mine, sometimes they are terrified to leave home

People spit my children because they do not believe they are biologically mine, sometimes they are terrified to leave home

A Mother of Cuatro explained that people do not believe that all their children are biologically their own.

Some strangers even refuse to accept that their twins are related each other.

Family portrait of two parents and four children, two of whom have albinism.


Two daughters in a family share the same genetic condition that makes them see different from their brothersCredit: YouTube/truly/born different

Sherria and his family appeared in the Truly showwhere they discussed their different appearances.

He mother He explained that he has two daughters who were born with albinism.

One of the girls has a twin brother, who does not have the hereditary condition.

“My daughter she has albinismo, but my son Te’riq, not,” said Sherria.

“That was a surprise for us once they were born.”

The family was particularly surprised because, despite being the result of genetics, the possibilities of having a child with albinism are one of every 75.

And Sherria and her husband Terry already had a daughter, Sheterria, with the condition.

“Albinismo means that you have no pigment in your hair, your skin or your eyes,” Sherria explained.

In addition to affecting its appearance, the rare condition also makes it “very sensitive to the sun.”

The twins, Ella’riq and Te’riq, have faced a lot of confusion when they leave in public.

I am a mother of 11 with my twelfth on the way: my twins are only nine months old and our next package of joy is due in February … contraception simply does not work for me

“People sometimes do not believe we are twins, they always approach us and tell us: ‘Oh, my God, you are so beautiful. I love your outfits’ and then we say: ‘We are twins’ and they will be like ‘no’,” said Te’riq.

His sister added that his appearance is not the only thing that makes them different.

“We are totally different, he is more fun than me,” she explained.

She has developed a close bond with her older sister, who gives credit to “help” and “comfort” while learning to get out of her shell.

And as for Sheterria, he was glad to finally seem to someone in his family.

What is albinism?

Albinism identifies a genetic condition that causes a lack of melanin in the skin, hair and eyes, resulting in pale skin, white or light hair and vision problems.

The condition is present at birth and transmitted from parents to their children.

A person with albinism has a 100% chance to transmit the gene.

Albinism affects around one in 17,000 people worldwide, although prevalence varies according to the country.

It occurs more commonly in people from sub -Saharan Africa, where it affects one in 5,000.

“When the twins were born, I was at school (primary),” recalled the teenager.

“I was so excited because I wanted one to go out like me, I didn’t care who he was, just someone came out like me.”

She said “she started crying” when he first saw his little sister, describing him as “the best moment.”

His mother explained that Sheterria had greatly gone as a result of her albinism.

“I had intimidation, people call her names, I think she had someone who spit it up before, it was very difficult for her,” said Sherria.

But despite the harsh reactions of strangers, Sheterria explained how “at home, I got love.”

Terry shared the family’s concerns that she would go through a similar experience.

“What the world, what she faced outside the doors of our house, were worried about that,” he said.

Both girls have now learned to hug their differences and love their appearance.

“When I look in the mirror, I see someone who has traveled a long way,” said Sheterria.

“My eyebrows are blonde, my eyelashes are blonde, everything is blonde.

“I used to hate that, but now I see myself in the mirror and I’m like ‘yes, you’re nice.'”

The twin brothers with albinism and a brother talk about their experiences.


She’riq has albinism while her twin brother te’riq noCredit: YouTube/truly/born different
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