Gayle King and Katy Perry join the totally feminine crew in Blue Origin Rocket

Gayle King and Katy Perry join the totally feminine crew in Blue Origin Rocket

Space company Blue originThe next mission will be driven by a team of heavy hitters, including the journalist Gayle KingPop star Katy Perry and philanthropist Lauren Sánchez.

Those three, plus the former scientist of the NASA rockets, Aisha Bowe, the Bioastronautic Research Scientist Amanda Nguyen and the film producer Kerianne Flynn were announced as the first female team of the program for a programmed launch this spring, Blue Origin said in a press release Thursday, February 27.

The company accredited Sánchez, who is the fiance of the founder of Amazon and Blue Origin Jeff Bezosfor joining the mission.

“It is honored to lead a team of explorers in a mission that will challenge their Earth’s prospects, facilitate their own stories and believe a lasting impact that inspires the generations that come,” said the company.

King, 70, coanfrerion of CBS MorningsHe talked about being one of the six new crew members on the next Blue Origin flight on Thursday.

“I don’t know how to explain being terrified and excited at the same time,” said King, said CBS news reported. “It’s how I felt about to deliver a baby.”

King acknowledged that flying to space was not his initial dream. She consulted with her children and her friend Oprah Winfrey Before accepting to join the mission.

“Once Kirby, Will and Oprah were fine with that, it was fine,” King said. “I thought Oprah would say no, no. She said: ‘I think if you don’t, when everyone returns and had the opportunity to do it, you’ll kick yourself.’ She is right.”

Sanchez reacted to the news in a Instagram publicationwriting that I was “beyond the excited of sharing my news @Blueorigin Space Flight this spring and the intrepid explorers who come with me! Welcome on board @gayleking @katyperry @amandangocngguyen @aishabowe @spacekerianne ! ”

“I really see this group as explorers,” he continued, “and the narrators, each of us about to be changed by a remarkable view of our beautiful planet. The countdown begins now! #Tablo del Espacio

According to Blue Origin, the mission will be the 11th human flight for the new Shepard program and 31 in its history. Until now, the company said the program has flown to 52 people, including Trek actor William Shatner And Bezos himself.

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Blue Origin also pointed out that this would be the first women’s flight crew from the Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova’s only Spacepseplight in 1963.

There was no specific date on when the flight will take place.

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