Mayor of Birmingham, among those who speak against the governor, AG designating the interim police chiefs

Mayor of Birmingham, among those who speak against the governor, AG designating the interim police chiefs

Alabama’s legislation that would grant the Governor and the authority of the Attorney General to make intermediate appointments of the Police Police approached one more step to the step on Wednesday. Legislation, HB14It requires the approval of both the Attorney General and the Governor in an interim appointment that would last six months. The legislation…

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Mom speaks in the midst of disturbing images of the alleged ‘fighting club prior to K’, like 2 teachers under investigation

Mom speaks in the midst of disturbing images of the alleged ‘fighting club prior to K’, like 2 teachers under investigation

A Louisiana mother is talking after the disturbing videos showed her four -year -old son was hit by several classmates in her primary school while a teacher watches and laughs. The child’s mother, Olevia Robinson, said WAFB That the videos were recorded by teachers in mid-January at Riveroaks Elementary School, where his son attended pre-K…

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Union Berlin: 9400 Aktien Verkauff! Stadion-Ag Erhält 4.7 Mio. EURO VON FANS | Sport

Union Berlin: 9400 Aktien Verkauff! Stadion-Ag Erhält 4.7 Mio. EURO VON FANS | Sport

Jetzt Steht Fest, Wie Viel Geld Die Union-Fans Zum Stadion-Ausbau Beisteern! 4.7 million in Euro von Mitgliedern Und Sponsor Die Stadion-AGURCH DEN VON AKTIEN EINGENOMMEN Hat. 5,900 Neu-Akationäre Haben DAZU HAYEN 900 ALT-AKtionäre 1,500 AKTIEN IM WEERT VON INSGESAMT 750,000 EUROFAUFT. Theoretisch Hätte Die Stadion-Ag Für 60 million in Euro Aktien Verkaufen Können. Dieses Ziel…

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The Albanian court decides that the mayor of Capital must remain in custody during corruption investigation

The Albanian court decides that the mayor of Capital must remain in custody during corruption investigation

Tirana, Albania (AP) – An Albanian court decided on Wednesday that the mayor of the capital should remain in custody while investigating it for corruption that involves public funds. The Special Court of Corruption and Organized Crime, which manages cases that involve the main officials and politicians, arrested Mayor Erion Veliaj on Monday for accusations…

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Kanada und Japan Unterzeichnen Esten Globalen Verrag des Europarates über Künstliche Intelligenz

Kanada und Japan Unterzeichnen Esten Globalen Verrag des Europarates über Künstliche Intelligenz

Kanada Und Japan there will be heute das Rahmenübereinkommen des Europarates über Künstriche Intelligenz und Meschenrechte, demokratie und rechtsstaathkeit Unterzeichnet und Sich Damit in ELFUNTERZEICHNERN DIESES INTERNATIONALIn Vertrags Angeschlosen. DIE UNTERZEICHNUNGSZEREMONIE FAND IM VORFELD EINER VERANSTALTUNG DES EUROPARATES STATT, DEM ENGINEMENT AFRIKAS BEI DER GLOBALEN KI -GOWIDMET WAR WAR WAR Und AM RANDE des von…

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