Qiagen presents a patent complaint against biomérieux to protect Quantiferon technology

Qiagen presents a patent complaint against biomérieux to protect Quantiferon technology

Paris (DPA -Afx) – Qiagen NV (QGen) announced that it has filed a complaint against Biomrieux S for violation of patents, reinforcing its commitment to protect scientific advances behind its patented quantiferon technology. The complaint, presented to the local division of the Court of First Instance of the Unified Patent Court in Düsseldorf, Germany, refers…

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Singapore must be realistic but not pessimistic in the new world order: Vivian Balakrishnan

Singapore must be realistic but not pessimistic in the new world order: Vivian Balakrishnan

Even in a more dangerous and divided world, Singapore does not need to be pessimistic given his strong position, said Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan in Parliament on Monday (March 3). He called three pillars of the robustness of the Republic: the economic force; independence and ability to defend himself; and domestic cohesion. “On the international…

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Smart Telephones Für Fußball-Fans und adolescent: HMD-Innovationn AUF DEM MWC

Smart Telephones Für Fußball-Fans und adolescent: HMD-Innovationn AUF DEM MWC

Wer Seinem teenage Alstes erstes Kommunikationsgerät Kein “Normal” Smartphone in Die Drücken Will, Könnte Sich Vielleicht Für Das HMD Fusion 1 Interest, das Ab mai Erhältlich Sein Wird. Das in the teenager-tauglichem Schwarz Gehalten Android-14-Smartphone ermöglicht eltern vollen zugriff und komplette kontrolle über installcelte apps, bietet allerhand warn-funktint Schulmodus. MIT DER FERNVERWALTUNG Können Eltern IHren…

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