What’s Up FYI: Fort Smith Little Theater to Present ‘The Outsider’ | The Arkansas Democratic Gazette

What’s Up FYI: Fort Smith Little Theater to Present ‘The Outsider’ | The Arkansas Democratic Gazette

in the theater

“The Outsider” – Production at Fort Smith Little Theater follows gubernatorial candidate Ned Newley, who is terrified of public speaking. His poll numbers are horrible and he seems destined for failure. But wait, his political advisor has the perfect plan. Opening night is November 14; Afternoons: from November 15 to 16 and from November 20 to 23; Sunday matinee on November 17. For Season Flex Pass customers, seat selection will begin at 7 a.m. on November 2. Tickets will go on sale to the general public starting at 7 a.m. on November 7. Opening night is $20. All other presentations are $13.


Read and write

Fort City Slam Open Mic: At these monthly events, a microphone is given to poets and writers who have something to share. Fridays from 6 to 8 pm in the Bakery District Cooler Room, 63 S. 6 St., Fort Smith.

Spooky Story Time: Get ready for Halloween with a spooky story hour for kids at the Dallas Street Branch of the Fort Smith Public Library. There will be stories, crafts, snacks and other Halloween-themed activities. 11-11:45 a.m. Wednesday at 8100 Dallas St., Fort Smith.


Try something new

Segue Fort Smith – A social gathering held once a month in the Bakery District in downtown Fort Smith. Gather in the Cooler Room to enjoy games, conversations and free coffee with the opportunity to connect with new people in the community. Appear. Be you. Meet someone new. 6:30 p.m. Thursday at 70 S. 7 St., Fort Smith.


Out and around

Arkansas River Holiday Market – 130 booths offering crafts, boutiques, flowers, home decor, children’s items, baked goods and food trucks. Bring the kids to see Santa. Children under 10 years old enter for free. $5 for general admission. Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 4400 Midland Ave., Fort Smith.


Walk and talk about art

“Quiet Moments” – Tammy Harrington’s artwork is influenced by the Chinese folk art of paper cutting and is a combination of her interpretations of traditional Chinese designs into custom figurative compositions. Free. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. on Sundays at the Fort Smith Regional Art Museum, 1601 Rogers Ave.


Take the children

Trunk-or-Treat: Van Buren Health and Rehabilitation will serve two hot meals and hand out candy. Dress up in your best costume and enjoy the holidays. Wednesdays at 6 pm at 1404 N. 28 St., Van Buren.

Halloween Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat: Arkansas Ghost Hunters will have a drive-thru trick-or-treat event in the Webster and 6th Street parking lot downtown. Thursday in the downtown Van Buren Historic District.

Thriller Night Fundraiser – Put away those costumes after Halloween and bring the kids to this annual fall fundraiser. The costume contest has a grand prize of $500. The event also includes a dinner and live auction to benefit local area youth. Saturday at 410 E. Main St., Alma.


in the cinema

First Friday Movie: Join the Fort Smith Public Library Main Branch for this matinee screening of “A Separate Peace.” 2-3:30 pm Friday in the Carnegie Room. 3201 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith.


Be clever!

Crafts for Adults: Join the main branch of the Fort Smith Public Library for a creative program where participants will learn how to transform old book pages into beautiful fall pine cones. Registration is not required, but is limited to the first 10 attendees. 1-2 pm Saturday in the Carnegie Room. 3201 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith.


listen to it here

Rock-or-Treat ’24: The car show and trunk or treat will kick off the event on TempleLive. There will also be a costume contest with prizes for the scariest, funniest and best duo. The night will end with live music from Green Gar, The Dryline and The Idioms at The Sphinx Club. 5:30 p.m. Thursday at 200 N. 11 St., Fort Smith. Admission is $15 and is available at

Artist Lecture: Ed Pennebaker will discuss the process and concepts behind his current exhibition, “Growth and Decline.” 5:30-6:30 p.m. Friday at the Fort Smith Regional Art Museum, 1601 Rogers Ave.

– Dustin Staggs

[email protected]

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