Compendium of writings on the 2024 elections and the issues at stake

Compendium of writings on the 2024 elections and the issues at stake


As Election Day approaches, here are links to all of my writing on the 2024 election and the issues at stake. Unless otherwise noted, these are all posts published here on the Volokh Conspiracy blog, hosted by Reason. I list these items in reverse chronological order: most recent first:

Kamala Harris is a much lesser evil than Donald Trump“, October 24, 2024. My case for voting for Harris on “lesser evil” grounds. Matt Zwolinski, co-author of The individualists: Radicals, reactionaries and the fight for the soul of libertarianism, writes: “(I)f you are still undecided about Trump and are only going to read one article on the topic, I implore you to read Ilya Somin’s essay in Reasonthat presents a careful and detailed libertarian case against Trump (and for Harris).”

Trump’s mass deportation proposal ignores huge economic and social cost“,” The officeOctober 24, 2024 (symposium on immigration and the 2024 elections). This article explains why Trump’s immigration policy plans are particularly dangerous and far worse than Harris’ far-from-ideal immigration policies.

Courts may not stop Trump’s illicit plans for mass deportations“,” The non-populistOctober 16, 2024 This article discusses Trump’s plan to use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 as a tool for mass deportation.

“The dangers of broad presidential power over tariffs“, October 10, 2024. Why Trump could implement his dangerous tariff plans without the need for new legislation.

“Harris reduces harmful price control proposal,”September 30, 2024. Harris revised his terrible price control proposal in a way that makes it less bad.

“Lessons from the scare of Haitian immigrant cats,” September 12, 2024. What we can learn from an egregious episode of anti-immigrant electoral scaremongering.

Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris take advantage of political ignorance“,” the hillSeptember 4, 2024. Both candidates have presented terrible policy proposals that pander to widespread public ignorance.

What Walz and Vance get wrong about opportunity and mobility“, August 22, 2024. Both vice presidential candidates underestimate the value of mobility and “voting with your feet.”

“Harris and Trump offer terrible housing policies“, August 18, 2024.

The logic of voting for a lesser evil and other writings on the morality of voting“, August 13, 2024. My explanation of why it is correct to vote for a lesser evil, plus articles on other aspects of the morality of voting.

Waking up is horrible. Nationalism is much worse“,” The officeJuly 1, 2024. Not directly about the elections. But I include it here because it addresses an important ideological balance at play. While both are bad, the nationalism espoused by the Trump-era Republican Party is worse than the wokeness prevalent among many Democrats.

Reflections on the reforms proposed by Biden to the Supreme Court“, July 29, 2024. Biden dropped out of the race, but Democrats continue to support these proposals.

“JD Vance, taxing the childless and the power of framing“July 27, 2024. How people think about imposing higher taxes on people without children depends largely on the framing.

“Kamala Harris’ excessively narrow view of bodily autonomy“, July 27, 2024. Kamala Harris should expand her commitment to “my body, my choice” beyond abortion rights.

Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race is not undemocratic“, July 23, 2024.

“Biden’s very flawed new housing plan“, July 16, 2024. Democrats still defend many of these ideas.

“Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance is an enemy of the free market“, July 15, 2024. Some of the reasons why Vance is horrible.

Reflections on the assassination attempt against Trump“, July 14, 2024.

“More evidence that Republicans are now the party benefiting from high voter turnout,“June 15, 2024.

“Inflation, the economy and political ignorance,” May 23, 2024. How ignorance affects one of the biggest problems influencing voters’ decisions.

“Establish thematic priorities“, May 14, 2024. How to decide which political issues to prioritize. The question has obvious relevance to voting decisions.

Higher voter turnout now benefits Republicans“, April 11, 2024. This trend could upend traditional divisions over voting rights issues.

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