Trump Department of Education to investigate San José St. about the trans volleyball player

Trump Department of Education to investigate San José St. about the trans volleyball player

The United States Department of Education will investigate the State of San José for violations of Title IX on “The Mistrate of Women’s Athletes” by having a transgender woman in her volleyball team.

The announcement arrived less than 24 hours later President Donald Trump signed an executive order Prohibit transgender women from providing sports of girls and women.

Sjsu, whose The female volleyball team was found in the center Of a national discussion around transgender athletes last season, it was indicated as one of the two universities that the department will investigate for possible violations of the title IX, together with Penn.

The State of San José did not immediately respond to a request for comments on the investigation.

The State of San José previously issued a statement on Wednesday with respect to the Executive Order, saying that “maintains an unwavering commitment to the well -being, security and privacy of our students, teachers and personnel and with promoting an environment of support and care For all “.

Trump’s executive order gives federal agencies, including the departments of justice and education, broad freedom to ensure that universities and other entities that receive federal funds respect the title IX in alignment with the opinion of the Trump administration, which interprets the “Sex” As gender people assign birth.

The Spartans became the object of national news the past autumn when Brooke Slusser, co-chapitan of the female volleyball team, joined a lawsuit in September accusing NCAA of discriminating women by allowing transgender women to compete in women’s sports.

In the lawsuit, Slusser said that one of his teammates was transgender, said the teammate had a physical advantage over teammates and opponents and that his teammate received a scholarship over other women.

Slusser said they did not tell him that his teammate was transgender even though the travel accommodations united them. The news group of the Bay area has not appointed the student because he has not publicly confirmed his status.

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