Foca parody kiss of a rose ‘for the announcement of Super Bowl by Mountain Dew

Foca parody kiss of a rose ‘for the announcement of Super Bowl by Mountain Dew

The superstar of Seal Music says that it is not taken too seriously, so parody its enormous success “Kiss from a Rose” for a new Mountain Dew Super Bowl commercial was just in its alley. The singer, who is preparing his first original song in a decade next week, also reveals which team he is supporting. (February 7) (Interview and production of AP by Gary Gerard Hamilton)

The superstar of Seal Music says that it is not taken too seriously, so parody its enormous success “Kiss from a Rose” for a new Mountain Dew Super Bowl commercial was just in its alley. The singer, who is preparing his first original song in a decade next week, also reveals which team he is supporting. (February 7) (Interview and production of AP by Gary Gerard Hamilton)

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