China Mama stops on the road to physically punish a son who threatened to jump from the car

China Mama stops on the road to physically punish a son who threatened to jump from the car

Shanghai: A woman in China stopped her car on a highway to overcome her young son because he could not bear his bad behavior after he threatened to jump from the vehicle.

A video clip of the incident in Zhengzhou in the central province of Henan in mid -February tended on social networks, and caused a heated online debate about the raising of children.

The irritated mother, last name Zhang, was filmed by stopping her car in the emergency lane of a highway before forcing her son to leave the car in an effort to “educate him”, according to a Hangzhou Daily report.

A viral video shows the woman whipping her son with the branch of a tree while grabbing her coat to prevent him from fleeing.

The child, who believes he is about eight years old, heard cry while his mother whips him.

It is not clear who filmed the video.

Zhang said he got angry because his son did not want to make the trip back home in the car.

The boy began to make a noisy protest and threatened to jump from the vehicle.

“I found that verbal education did not work. His actions affected my ability to drive safely, ”said Zhang.

“I knew it would be fined for stopping the car on the highway. But I couldn’t stand it anymore. I needed to teach him a lesson immediately, ”he added.

China’s road safety regulations stipulate that people whose vehicles occupy the emergency lane of a highway in circumstances that are not emergency will face a fine of 200 yuan (US $ 27) and a deduction of nine points of their license.

Zhang said his national rules were that when a father is educating his son, other adults in the family cannot intervene.

That is why the other person in the car that filmed the incident did not intervene.

On February 18, Zhang released a video on social networks in which his son recognized his mistake.

“I realize that it is quite dangerous to jump from the car on a highway. It was wrong. I hope other children do not learn from me, ”said the unidentified child.

The incident was seen five million times on a leading social networks platform.

“At first I thought the mother was unstable. But after learning the details of the incident, support, ”said Internet users.

But another online observer said: “It is still dangerous to overcome a child on the road. What happens if he ran halfway? It is better to hit him after getting home. ” – Post in the morning of southern China

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