Read the dreaded excuse of Australia’s publication for not leaving a package with which everyone agrees with: ‘reasonable’

Read the dreaded excuse of Australia’s publication for not leaving a package with which everyone agrees with: ‘reasonable’

Finding a ‘delivery attempt’ instead of the package I expected can be frustrating, but an Australian was so fun that they published her online.

Instead of ‘I’m sorry, I missed you’ or other explanation equally vague, the mailman gave an honest reason not to deliver the package.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t get to the door,” said the note.

“The Curlews were losing their shit.”

The recipient shared the note to Reddit and shed more light on the offensive birds that had terrified the mailman.

‘The curlews in question are the pair of curlets stone bushes that nest in our patio. They will not really bite, but they become quite fierce when they have chicks, ” they said.

“Fun data for anyone who does not know these (birds), their call sounds like a murdered woman.”

Many Australians agreed that the porter’s reasons for not leaving the package were justified.

Read the dreaded excuse of Australia’s publication for not leaving a package with which everyone agrees with: ‘reasonable’

Find a ‘delivery attempt’ instead of the package (stock image)

An Australian was so fun for his note (in the photo) he was published online

An Australian was so fun for his note (in the photo) he was published online

“I have to give it to the postie, at least it is not an excuse of Bs for laziness,” one wrote.

Another aggregate: finally, a reasonable card that is left out ‘.

A third bromeo: “Australia Post presents a new delivery policy:” He will try to less than his birds think they are in a Hitchcock movie. ”

Others agreed that Curlews are mostly placid, but ‘make the urracas look friendly’ by protecting their eggs or chicks.

“Stone curlets can scare the AF if you don’t know they won’t attack unless you touch their eggs or young people,” another wrote.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t get to the door,” said the note. “The Curlews were losing their shit.” A Curlew is shown

A queenslander added: ‘They are incredible birds, especially good to kill snakes and toads.

“Once I saw a flock from them to get a huge coastal taipan in a public golf course in FNQ.”

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