The bankruptcy scammer condemned by RI will not receive the early release of the prison. Here is why.

The bankruptcy scammer condemned by RI will not receive the early release of the prison. Here is why.

Providence – North Kingstown contractor Ernest RicciWho declared himself guilty of bankruptcy fraud only to blame his lawyer last November for his imprisonment, has lost a commitment to the so -called “compassionate liberation.”

A federal judge this week rejected RICCI request for an early version Noting that none of the three reasons why Ricci gave, his persistent medical problems, need to take care of their sick mother and their isolated time in protective custody after an assault, increased to an “extraordinary or convincing” level.

Further, American District Judge John J. McConnell Jr. He observed in his decision as four paragraphs that Ricci could be eligible for liberation anyway in a matter of months.

McConnell sentenced Ricci, now 63, three years after bars last May. But Ricci, who won the reputation of make fun of your federal researchers with improper insultsHe would be accredited for a time in custody before his sentence, even after his bond was revoked in 2022 to interfere with witnesses in his case.

Why is Ernest Ricci in prison?

Ricci declared himself guilty in November 2022 To try to disappoint the creditors of approximately $ 2 million.

He admitted that in October 2017, before presenting a bankruptcy request from Chapter 7 to protect a house of $ 1.5 million in Florida, he transferred all his commercial assets in Premier Home Restorration LLC to his wife, Brenda Ricci.

The FBI finally arrested the couple and accused each one of hiding “substantial assets” of the United States bankruptcy court, including a ship, property rental in New Hampshire and Florida, personal income and money from Covid relief. (Brenda Ricci declared himself guilty of a charge of not paying taxes and received two years of probation, according to judicial records).

Offer Ricci with hot water -covered leaves with other inmates

When his sentence date approached last year, Ricci made a last bet to avoid prison offering a letter to a bankruptcy administrator to “go undercover” so that the government avoids having to “face the judge.”

He suggested that the administrator “leave this case right where it is and that there is no final provision, although everyone else thinks that it exists.”

The news of his offer was followed by Federal Medical Center in DevensMassachusetts.

In his appeal the past autumn to Judge McConnell for a compassionate release, Ricci said he was attacked by an unknown inmate who wielded a weighted sock because other inmates thought he was an informant.

After the federal investigators interviewed the inmates about the attack “who said that the defendant could be attacked again,” the prison office decided to transfer Ricci in December to a federal installation in Fort Dix.

Ricci spent half of his request to early release pencil last November blaming his lawyer for his situation, saying that he was poorly advised to declare himself guilty and lost the opportunity to convince a jury of his innocence.

In their motion against their early release, prosecutors said that Ricci’s health and security have been and continue to be properly handled, “and that Ricci” cannot establish that he is the only available caregiver “of his sick mother.

In fact, they noticed that Ricci said he wanted to be released to “help my brother” with the care of his mother.

Observing that Ricci’s behavior “was a complete affront to the legal system, which implied frivolous presentations, abuse of lawyers and bankruptcy judges, and suborption perjury,” prosecutors said they did not deserve early liberation.

Contact Tom Mooney at: [email protected]

This article originally appeared in the providence Journal: The Ri Ernest Ricci scammer denied the compassionate liberation of the prison

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