The hiker was terrified after discovering secret hidden under the dump cover in the place of the United Kingdom

The hiker was terrified after discovering secret hidden under the dump cover in the place of the United Kingdom

The hiker Devon Banks went to Tiktok to share the spooky encounter he had when he and a friend discovered a garbage lid on the hills of the Los Lagos district and ventured in a vacuum under him.

The hiker Devon Banks was surprised to discover what was hidden under a dump cover in the hills of the Los Lagos (stock) hills
The hiker Devon Banks was surprised to discover what was hidden under a dump cover in the hills of the Los Lagos (stock) hills

A hiker has shared a surprising discovery with colleagues Tiktok Users after detecting a dump cover in the hills that hid an unexpected opening to the underground.

In a video, detailing the strange finding, Devon Banks documented At the time he and a friend unearthed the orange lid, buried under a stones battery. Anxious to discover the mystery, he published a legend in his clip: “We thought we would see what is inside.”

When lifting the lid, they were surprised to find a regular size container, like anyone who would expect to find outside any property of the United Kingdom; However, it had no bottom, revealing a dark vacuum underneath. Holding in the ominous hole, Devon admitted: “We had to drag ourselves,” while sailing through the tight space and with little light.

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His camera soon captured fragments of rock fall and the oxidized remains of scattered old mining equipment between tunnels made by man. Despite finding narrow gaps and precarious falls throughout their trip, the explorers were pressed until they found themselves on water water.

Devon detailed his walk below the axes of the mine, pointing out: “There were some very small holes, and some very large drops.” And as the water ran by its feet and visibility decreased, commented the conditions: “At one point it became extremely mist.”

When publishing a second clip on the platform, Devon admitted that the couple’s promotion attempt to return to the surface through stairs and oxidized pipes was a serious challenge. “Some of these climbs were outside my comfort zone,” he said.

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The supposed exit became another nightmare when they found an additional tunnel with dangerous drops of 100 feet, which led to a dead end. Devon explained the situation: “It was a dead end and my partner was suggesting to lower one of the holes.” But ultimately, the duo decided against him, opting to return on his steps between the rocks that fall and the imminent threat of disorientation, firmly stating: “We will return along the path we came.”

After a moment of sincere in which his friend almost fell after stumbling with Wood, Devon recognized the seriousness of his adventure to emerge, confessing: “That was my most scary cave experience in history.”

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Surprised by Devon’s footage, a Tiktok user exclaimed in response: “The mine looks terrifying enough from the outside, it doesn’t matter to enter there.” Another echoed fear: “It scares me to see them, my greatest fear is burying alive. Do not make small spaces.”

Criticism also came about the risks involved, with a commentator warning: “confined spaces like this may be full of gases such as carbon monoxide. It is very dangerous to enter a confined space not ventilated. Many cases in which the person is immediately fainted and several people enter to help and all die.”

In addition, a fourth individual warned strongly: “Do not risk your life for the videos. You just don’t do it! Stay safely.” Responding on consultations about the whereabouts of the mine, Devon disclosed its location as Force Crag in the Lago district.

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