A two vehicle accident in Springfield killed a new woman from Middletown and a youth passenger, and seriously injured a Struthers man on Monday night

According to the state patrol of the state of Ohio, Angela Brown, 44, of New Middletown, died at the scene of the accident on state route 170, just north of New Middletown.

Two youth passengers in Brown’s car were transferred to a hospital where one of them died. The second youth passenger appeared in critical condition.

Walter A. Bolt, 59, from Struthers, the driver of a Chevrolet Colorado truck, was taken to St. Elizabeth hospital in Youngstown with serious injuries.

The accident occurred just before 8 pm when the truck to the south of Bolt went to the left of the center and hit a Honda Accord 2004 in the north direction driven by Brown, said the patrol. The agreement overturned and stopped in a ditch, and the Colorado came to rest partially off the road.

The patrol said Brown and Bolt did not wear seat belts, and the use of the youth passenger safety belt was not clear.

Alcohol seems to be a factor in the accident, which remains under investigation, said the patrol.

The road, closed during the investigation, has sincerely reopened.

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