The city of Laredo organizes the second special meeting of the municipal council

The city of Laredo organizes the second special meeting of the municipal council

LAREDO, Texas (KGNS) – The City of Laredo is informing the public of the boil water advisory. The City Council discussed water infrastructure upgrades at a recent special meeting.

On Friday, October 25, Laredo City Manager Joe Neeb provided Laredo City Council members with the latest on the city’s next steps while answering questions.

However, community members who attended told KGNS they felt the city’s efforts were not enough and wanted more transparency and action.

For Laredo veteran Velentin Ruiz, he doesn’t believe the city is prioritizing the right things.

Ruiz noted: “They are trying to blame everything on illegal connections. No, let’s talk about the facts, that certain developers in the past were allowed to not do the right thing in infrastructure, and that is why we are suffering.”

For Michelle Segovia, who does not live in Laredo, the situation was a little different.

Segovia commutes into the city from Hebbronville for work.

Segovia works with the senior community and says she knows firsthand how the notice affected the most vulnerable communities.

“I mean, we have to think about everyone and every situation, like brushing your teeth, washing your face and even bathing,” Segovia said.

Segovia adds that the need for water was so urgent that he had to bring resources from Hebbronville to Laredo.

The city hopes its post-emergency plan can prevent future boil water advisories.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, October 28.

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