Request ordinance to be presented Tuesday at Mobile City Council meeting

Request ordinance to be presented Tuesday at Mobile City Council meeting

MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) – The City of Mobile is sponsoring an ordinance to be introduced at the Mobile City Council this Tuesday regarding the solicitation.

It also sponsors ordinances regarding loitering in parks and playgrounds and obstruction of sidewalks.

The proposed ordinances are sponsored by Mayor Sandy Stimpson.

This is how the proposed ordinances read:

Second. 55-102. – Prohibited acts. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to participate in Solicitation: a. On private property located within the city: i. If the Attorney refuses to leave private property when requested by the owner, tenant or legal occupant of the property; or ii. b. If the owner, tenant or legal occupant has asked the person not to solicit on the property or has posted a sign clearly stating that soliciting is not welcome on the property. (2) It shall be illegal to engage in aggressive solicitation.

Second. 55-104. – Sanctions. (1) Violation of this article may be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or both as determined by the municipal court. (2) Instead of, or in addition to, the penalty provided for in this section, a person who violates this article may be required to perform community service work as prescribed by the court.

Second. 41-5. Loitering in Parks or Playgrounds (1) All City parks close at dusk, except for boat ramps located in City parks or otherwise posted or during City-sponsored or co-sponsored events. (2) It shall be unlawful for persons to remain in city parks or playgrounds after dark or during posted hours of operation. (3) Sanctions. (a) Violation of this article may be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or by both, as determined by the municipal court. (b) Instead of, or in addition to, the penalty provided for in this section, a person who violates this article may be required to perform community service work as prescribed by the court.

Second. 57-73. Sidewalk Obstructions – Generally (1) No person walking, standing, sitting, lying down, or placing an object in such a way as to intentionally block the passage of another person or require another person to take evasive action to avoid physical contact , or who, after being ordered to move by law enforcement officers, remains on or on any public sidewalk in such a manner as to block or impair the movement of pedestrians. (2) This ordinance does not apply to any object authorized by the City of Mobile. (3) Penalties (a) Violation of this article may be punished with a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or with imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or both as determined by the city council. court. (b) Instead of, or in addition to, the penalty provided for in this section, a person who violates this article may be required to perform community service work as prescribed by the court.

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