Little Rock lawyer seeks legal fees and compensation for time spent fighting city over records request

Little Rock lawyer seeks legal fees and compensation for time spent fighting city over records request

LR prolongs legal fight over records law, says

Today at 3:21 am

Juan Lynch

A Little Rock attorney who won a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the city claims that Little Rock dragged out the process for so long that he should be awarded more than $18,000 because of the amount of extra work he put into fighting the city to get him. pay what you owe. in addition to the work he did to prevail. The Arkansas Court of Appeals will decide how much your time is worth in the coming days.

Law professor Robert Steinbuch, recognized as Arkansas’ leading authority on the Freedom of Information Act, said Ben Motal’s effort to demand the city compensate him for his work is as important to holding authorities accountable as he is his court victory in the open records litigation. .

“Motal leads among Arkansas attorneys and citizens in protecting our transparency rights.

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