Stickers depicting the hate group seen on the streets of Logansport

Stickers depicting the hate group seen on the streets of Logansport

Stickers appearing to promote a white nationalist hate group were spotted in downtown Logansport; four of these appeared in posts on Fourth, Fifth and Market streets.

The stickers include the name and logo of Patriot Front, a white nationalist hate group founded in Texas in 2017, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. One sticker reads “not stolen, conquered” with a graphic of the United States, while the other says “forward to a new American nation-state.”

Although it is unknown exactly how long the stickers have been there, images taken from Google Street View in August 2023 do not show the stickers being present.

City of Logansport officials were alerted to the decals following Wednesday’s Board of Public Works and Safety meeting.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the group’s manifesto calls for a revival of true American identity, which is allegedly based on “pan-European” colonizers. The manifesto also explicitly excludes people of color from this identity, viewing these communities as a threat to this culture and calling them “reserve populations.”

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, members of the Patriot Front are required to engage in activism such as posting fliers, but this also includes public service actions such as park cleanups. They also have to travel as far as 50 to 100 miles to broadcast their propaganda.

According to Fox59, over Labor Day weekend 2022, the Patriot Front marched through downtown Indianapolis chanting “Reclaim America” ​​and carrying signs that read “America is Not for Sale.” WFFT FOX55 Fort Wayne wrote in a January 2021 article that similar stickers were found on the Purdue University Fort Wayne campus.

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