Option to reassign polling places

Option to reassign polling places

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced an option for members to apply for reallocation of their polling booths for the upcoming Council and Regional Council elections, scheduled for December 6-7, 2024. Voters Eligible voters, as listed on April 1, 2024, may choose to vote in the same or a different city within their regional constituency (Rule 5) or in a city outside their constituency (Rule 6(2)). Members can check their assigned polling places online. Requests for changes must be submitted by November 14, 2024 for polls outside the electoral district and by November 21, 2024 for changes within the same electoral district. The reallocation allows members to vote in more convenient locations while retaining their original regional constituency status. However, once a change is made, it cannot be reversed. The ICAI aims to accommodate requests for centrally located polling stations, although this is not guaranteed. Members are advised to make their selections carefully, ensuring they are certain of their choice before submitting their applications.

Electoral cell
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
October 25, 2024Announcement


(i) To vote in the same/different city in the voters’ own regional constituency (Rule 5)


(ii) For polls beyond the voter’s regional electoral district (Outside the regional electoral district (Rule 6(2))

Each member of the Institute whose name appears on the Voter List as of April 1, 2024 has the right to cast their vote in the following elections to the Council of the Institute and the corresponding Regional Council to be held on December 6 and 7, 2024.

The voting box is determined according to the professional address of the affiliate registered with the Institute and published in the Voter Registry – 2024. An affiliate can find out their assigned voting box by visiting the link

The amended rules provide that voters who are entitled to vote by ballot will have the option of choosing a polling place in the same or a different city within the same electoral district (Rule 5) or a polling place in another city outside the regional region of the elector. constituency (Rule 6(2)) due to a change in your published business address on the Voter List or you are expected to be away from your business address on voting day.

Online submission of the polling station change application form in the same constituency (Rule 5) or in a city outside the voter’s own constituency (Rule 6 (2)) has been launched. Please click to submit the application form as soon as possible, but no later than November 14, 2024 if the desired change is to a polling station in a city beyond the voter’s regional constituency and November 21, 2024 if the Desired change is to a different polling place in the same city/different city within the voter’s own regional electoral district.

However, it is clarified that the voter is simply given the opportunity to cast his vote at a more convenient polling station and will remain a voter of his own regional constituency.

In other words, a voter from the Northern Region is allotted a polling booth in New Delhi and chooses to vote, for example, in Mumbai, his polling booth will be re-allocated in the city of Mumbai, but he will be given the ballot papers. on the 26th North India Regional Constituency Council and 25th North India Regional Council at the polling station in Mumbai city.

Every effort will be made to reallocate the polling station located in the center of a place/city. However, the same cannot be guaranteed due to various demands involved in the electoral process.

Please note: Once a change is made to polling places under Rule 5 and Rule 6(2), it cannot be reversed or changed to another polling place or city. Therefore, you are requested to exercise this option carefully and only if you are sure.

Last date to complete the online application:

November 14, 2024 Voting in a different city outside the elector’s regional electoral district (Rule 6 (2)
November 21, 2024 Voting booth located within the same Regional Constituency (Rule 5)

CA (Dr.) Jai Kumar Batra
Returning Officer and Secretary

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