The first four candidates for the Vienna City Council

The first four candidates for the Vienna City Council

VIENNA, W.Va. (WTAP) – There are nine candidates plus one write-in candidate running for a seat in the Vienna Council Chambers. For now, we hear from four of the 10 candidates: Brian Flinn, Jim Leach, Tony Morrison and Tami Rhodes.

Brian Flinn wants to give people the chance to make their voices heard and by running as an Independent in Vienna, he believes he can do just that. He believes one person can make a difference.

“So we have an aging community. We need to bring more young people. People in this area, we can’t do that with car washes, gambling places and gas stations. We need to incorporate the industry. You know, creating funds, jobs that people can live off of. “Flin said.

Jim Leach is a 2-term incumbent seeking his third term. He believes that coming onto the council you don’t know what to expect at first and feels he is prepared to take on another term because of the previous leadership he was under.

“In Vienna right now. So I think the next four years will be a really critical time for the growth of Vienna, both for cultural development and for residential and commercial development in residential development. There is also a housing study conducted in 2022 by the Wood County Economic Development Authority headed by Lindsey Pearsall. And that study showed that there was a significant difference. Housing shortage for young families.” Leach said.

Tony Morrison believes his job has prepared him for this as he deals with the public face to face and one on one and has been working on contracts for 14 years.

“The future would be, you know, our children, the children of the city, the people who are going to grow up here, the people we want to attract to come to this city with their young people. And I think that’s really, really important. It has to be in the minds not only of the Council, but of all cities. “

Tami Rhodes has been attending council meetings for 3 years and believes she knows the city of Vienna and its needs very well. He wants to make the city of Vienna what the people deserve.

“It is to stimulate economic development by investing in our community. One of the ways we can do this is by developing our Parks and Recreation. We need to develop Spencer’s Landing, the 12th Street property. We need to develop the Johns Manville production site. ” Rhodes said.

Each candidate was asked which issue was most important to them. We have contacted all candidates and will hear from the other five candidates on Thursday.

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