Peaky Blinders filming in Bradford is ‘exciting’ for city: fans

Peaky Blinders filming in Bradford is ‘exciting’ for city: fans

Meanwhile, Sam Hadley, 46, another Bradford resident, said: “It’s quite exciting, because it’s a very high-profile thing.

“There’s obviously a lot of filming going on around here and we’ve seen quite a bit of it, but not this kind of high profile thing where it’s been hidden, which is really exciting.

“I think it’s good for Bradford because it shows we have something positive.”

Hadley said the Little Germany area of ​​town was “just fantastic”.

“It’s good that it can be used and displayed,” he said.

Hadley, who admitted to being a big fan of the show, said she couldn’t wait for more Peaky Blinders, particularly as the new film would feature her hometown.

“I’ve seen all the series and I’m looking forward to the movie being released. These are definitely exciting times for Bradford,” he said.

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