Liverpool mother says leak in her apartment ceiling could have killed her baby

Liverpool mother says leak in her apartment ceiling could have killed her baby

“I have a four-month-old son and when he was just two weeks old, water started leaking from the outside wall into the outlets and destroyed the carpet in his room.

“We have to sleep on my sister’s sofa in Aintree,” he said.

Referring to the leak in the ceiling, he said: “It’s dangerous, it’s my baby’s room; I could have killed my baby.

“It was like a high-pressure shower and they keep telling me all kinds of things.”

She says a square of sheetrock has since been placed over the space where the leak was, but there is still work to be done on the property, which she says has forced her to move in with her children until they feel it is sure to return.

“It spilled all over his and his sister’s toys. “It destroyed everything,” he added.

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