Two running in uncontested race for Houlton City Council

Two running in uncontested race for Houlton City Council

Two running in undisputed race for Houlton City Council |

HOULTON, Maine – Two candidates are running for two open, three-year seats on the seven-member Houlton City Council.

The current candidate, Edward Lake, is running for a second three-year term.

Both candidates, Lake and Erin Matthews, said economic development and revitalization are important to the city.

A sample ballot is available online and at the Houlton municipal office. Voting is from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 5 at the Gentle Memorial Building, also known as Houlton Recreation Center at 128 Maine St.

City Council, two 3-year terms

Name: lake edward

Age: 75

Party affiliation: Republican

Education: Oakfield High School Graduate

Employment: Retired

Family: Lake and his wife Jean live in Houlton with their four-legged son, Oliver. Their other children live across the state with a daughter in Easton, a son in Stacyville, a son in Bangor and a daughter in Poland Springs.

Why are you running for City Council?

We have a good board at the moment and I like working with them. I would like to try to revitalize the city center and get it going again. I would like to help in the city to see if we can improve things and achieve some economic growth.

What are the top three priorities you want to address if elected?

1 – Revitalization

2 – Economic growth

3 – Village improvement

Name: Erin Mateos

Age: 45

Party affiliation: Independent

Education: I am a graduate of Houlton High School. I attended the University of New England after high school, but ultimately chose a career where I could pursue my passion for animals.

Employment: I am a Veterinary Technician at Hotham Veterinary Services

Family: I am married and have an older son, as well as a house full of “four-legged children.”

Why are you running for city council?
My ultimate goal is to strengthen my understanding and connection to our beautiful city. I am eager to be a voice for our community and recently felt the need to do something to try to improve our community.

What are the top three priorities you want to address if elected?

1 – My top priority is to show those around me that a difference can be made if they decide to get involved. I firmly believe that positive changes at a small, local level can have a huge impact. In today’s world of technology and social media, we are all quick to express our opinions and judge our local government’s decisions, and I want to be one of those who take action in the hopes that others will follow in their footsteps.

2 – I will firmly promote economic development and growth. Our area has so many wonderful small businesses and I look forward to supporting those who work so hard to achieve success at a small, local level. I also believe that we must be willing to grow economically at a greater level to ensure the retention of our young people and make this community a place where they can stay and succeed in building a happy and prosperous future.

3 – Lastly, I want to add diversity to our municipal government. I hope to bring new ideas and a new perspective to the challenges facing our community. I love our small town and hope to be a driving force in making it safe and strong for many years to come.

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