High-speed chase ends in head-on crash with patrol car in North Carolina, deputies say

High-speed chase ends in head-on crash with patrol car in North Carolina, deputies say

YANCEY COUNTY, N.C. (FOX Carolina) – The Yancey County Sheriff’s Office said a Virginia man has been charged after leading deputies on a high-speed chase in North Carolina.

According to the sheriff’s office, a high-speed chase involving a vehicle stolen from Virginia began and ended in Yancey County on October 28. The chase ended when the stolen vehicle collided head-on with a patrol car near Mountain Heritage High School.

After the accident, authorities said traffic was temporarily stopped to facilitate the investigation of the incident. The highway was fully reopened and returned to normal traffic flow after approximately four hours.

Deputies stated that Jason Collin Hatcher, 43, of Bristol, Virginia, was arrested and charged with the following:

  • Felony Fleeing or Eluding Arrest with a Motor Vehicle
  • Reckless driving that endangers
  • Assault on a government official/employee

Hatcher is currently in custody with bail set at $50,000.

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