I know you’re sick of Reeves, but I need to get this off my chest | Politics | News

I know you’re sick of Reeves, but I need to get this off my chest | Politics | News

I know you’re probably sick of Rachel Reeves right now, but I still have something I need to get off my chest. Mrs Reeves may be the country’s first female chancellor – and boy oh boy did we get to hear it in her budget speech – but she had little else to offer in her long whine-fest.

Let me sum it up: more spending, more taxes, and more borrowing. That was the general gist. And it is a recipe for disaster.

The only thing Labor has achieved is making it harder for businesses to employ people after their huge tax increase on National Insurance contributions. On television I saw a hairdresser almost crying because of the enormous costs he will have to face in his business.

There will be thousands more like him, terrified for the future of their livelihoods. It’s a scandal.

It’s that terrible time of year.

That terrible time of year has arrived: Guy Fawkes Night. Let me be clear: I have no problem with the commemoration itself nor with the fantastic professionally organized bonfires and fireworks displays across the UK.

But what used to be one night (maybe two or three depending on when Nov. 5 falls) is now a miserable barrage of noise that lasts for weeks. It has become unbearable for the elderly, people with a nervous nature and, above all, for our beloved pets.

Our three dogs were often terrified by the loud bangs and general cacophony. They didn’t understand what was happening so it was almost impossible to calm them down. And I know it’s a common problem among all pet owners.

It’s no surprise that veterinarians have seen an increase in the number of people asking for sedatives to calm their animals. Otherwise, they will be trapped in a cycle of perpetual anxiety.

Then there are the young hooligans who think it’s fun to set off fireworks at each other or at innocent people who are going about their lives. In June, two teenagers were found guilty of killing Josephine Smith, 88, in October 2021 after throwing fireworks through her mailbox.

The poor grandmother died in her bed after the rocket exploded and set her house on fire. How horrendous. What the hell would someone possess to do such a thing?

The only silver lining to this whole issue is the move toward silent fireworks.

Okay, so they’re not completely silent, but they’re a hell of a lot better than the usual deafening options. What a clever idea! You can have the thrill of sparkles but without the terrifying explosions. I hope they make them mandatory in stores for customers who insist on having their own displays.

Better yet, leave the fireworks to the experts and enjoy the fun safely at an organized event. And give the rest of us, and our pets, the much-desired peace and tranquility.

Attributing the floods in Spain to man-made climate change is a short-sighted attitude

The floods in Spain have been a tragedy. But blaming man-made climate change alone is at best short-sighted and at worst dangerous. The climate has always been changing and the planet has changed with it.

Before you start writing to complain, I’m not a climate change denier, but I think we need evolution, not revolution. Crashing our economies in a desperate attempt to achieve net zero emissions will not stop these types of major weather events. We need to adapt our towns, cities and lifestyles and invest in better water management and flood defences.

It’s easy for politicians to blame climate change when the truth is that we need more investment to protect people from extreme weather events like these.

My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones or their own lives, whose homes and businesses were destroyed, but it does them no favors to cover up the causes. Yes, the climate is changing. Partly because of man’s influence, but also because that’s what happens. We need to understand and accept both.

Putin is more likely to listen to Trump than Kamala Harris

Tomorrow Americans will go to the polls to decide who will be their next president. And who they choose as the next supposed leader of the free world will have consequences for all of us.

My money is on Donald Trump. If I could vote it would be for him. He is a tough talker and is the person who will make us safer in Europe. Let’s be honest: Putin is more likely to listen to him than to Kamala Harris. She would just fool him with one of her word salad responses.

Horwood’s new album has an eight out of 10

Strictly come dance Judge Craig Revel Horwood has released his debut album: Revelations – Songs Boys Don’t Sing. Don’t complain, it’s actually not bad at all.

Horwood is known for his acid tongue but is an excellent singer with a powerful tenor voice. I would give it an eight out of 10. Definitely worth a stocking stuffer.

You’re welcome, honey.

Slapping pensioners with a £6,000 fine is an absolute farce

Two pensioners have been fined £6,000 by the Home Office after a migrant hid in their caravan as they returned from their holiday in France. The retired ambulance worker, 75, and his wife, 78, had no idea about their illegal Sudanese stowaway who was discovered by French authorities as they boarded a ferry.

Grandparents have to plead their case to the Home Secretary and the Deputy Prime Minister. Angela RaynerWho is your deputy?

Excuse me, but what the hell? Why should it fall on the heads of innocent people when immigrants try to come to our country illegally? It is the Border Force’s job to apply common sense in situations like this. Don’t unnecessarily harass and scare two vulnerable people who were taken advantage of by a selfish individual. Send the idiot migrant back to France and cancel the fine. Honestly, it’s an absolute farce.

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