Chase’s Bradley Walsh scored ‘So Rude’ in grueling round | TV and radio | Showbiz & TV

Chase’s Bradley Walsh scored ‘So Rude’ in grueling round | TV and radio | Showbiz & TV

A player in the Chase brand host Bradley Walsh “so rude” after he was stumped by a difficult question.

During Friday’s (January 24) visit to the ITV studios, the first coronatory street Star welcomed four new questioners on the TEATime show.

The 64-year-old welcomed contestants Richard, Jess, Rahul and Jude to the show to test their general knowledge. The quartet faced off against Jenny ‘The Vixen’ Ryan, who certainly brought an A-game for the smart group.

First up to the podium was Rahul, who wowed the Gladiators presenter when he successfully added £4,000 to the jackpot after a round of face-to-face nails.

Next up was Jess from Leeds, who was less successful than her teammate and was sent packing after the pro quiz caught her in record time.

Next was retired policeman Richard, who added a £6,000 eye to the bank afterwards. But things took an unexpected turn when final player Jude approached the podium.

Similarly to her teammate, she impressed viewers when she won £6,000 in her cash builder round. When she moved on to the intimidating head-to-head round with the 42-year-old Auburn beauty.

During the round of nail-biting, Bradders asked him: “In Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the main character travels to England on a ship called What? A) hera, b) aphrodite, c) Demeter) “.

Before Jude could comment, the father-of-two joked: “another assumption” to which he turned to him and defiantly said: “So rude, but yes, it was. It was a complete assumption.”

Bradley responded, “Well, it’s honestly the best policy” to which he countered, “Well, you know what? It was an educated guess, so let’s go with it. Hera and Aphrodite, hmm. Demeter was somewhere in my mind.” .

To which Bradley confirmed: “That was assumption. So the answer was Demeter, you did well. But the Demeter was called Demeter because it was Demeter,” he said as he spread his arms.

Luckily, the TV star managed to make it to the final round with the rest of his successful teammates with a total of £16,000 in the jackpot.

With only three members, the team correctly answered 13 questions between them in two minutes, but that was no match for the northern girl.

Jenny correctly answered 16 questions in a row with 43 seconds left on the clock, leaving the team empty-handed.

The Chase airs weekdays from 5pm on ITV1 or catch up on ITVX.

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