‘Running against time:’ crews break the frozen vermilion river to avoid ice jams

‘Running against time:’ crews break the frozen vermilion river to avoid ice jams

Vermilion, Ohio – A perfect storm of cold temperatures followed by fast defrosting and rain has had alert alert for the risk of ice jams.

Ice traffic jams occur when ice pieces are grouped to block the flow of a river. This can cause floods in communities near the river.

What are ice jams and why do they happen?

RELATED: What are ice jams and why do they happen?

To prevent the frozen vermilion river from getting stuck with ice and floods its banks, a floating “ice breaker” began working on Thursday to keep the water moving.

“We are definitely running against time at this time,” said Bruce Wright of NGW Civil/Marine Construction.

The city hired the company several years ago to be available to break ice in the river. On Friday, the crew operated an excavator in a barge, using a brute force to cross frozen sections.

“Yesterday we were getting things that had almost one foot thick in their mouths. The type of rain aid. The rain will really erode, it will soften it, ”said Wright.

He added that the rain was another danger to the race, with a precipitation that threatened to raise river levels.

“The worst possible scenario is heavy rains south of us here, which is a bit starting. So we are a little worried about that, ”he said.

In previous years, high levels of water, defrosting quickly and large pieces of ice that obstruct river beds have been more dramatic. The combination can raise the river outside its banks and push large layers of ice on roads and properties.

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News 5 Cleveland

The Fire Department will recommend an evacuation in low neighborhoods in these circumstances.

“One of the problems we have had in the past are the gas meters that are taken out of the ice,” said Vermilion Fire Chief Bill Brown.

During the past week, lifeguards have been monitoring the river to obtain signs of ice traffic jams and floods.

“We just want to make sure people are aware and when it is time to leave, they should,” Brown said.

For Friday night, the crew that breaks the ice had loosened enough of the frozen river to mitigate the risks of flooding.

“That’s why the city has doing this. He is protecting all residents, ”said Wright. “There are probably $ 100 million in houses that are in danger. Everything below could flood. That is a bit of responsibility. “

Vermilion leaders said the neighbors, the first to respond and other regularly monitor the river in search of ice traffic jams signs.

The Vermilion Fire Department planned to take advantage of frost conditions on Saturday for an annual ice rescue training session.

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