Seriously, Karim! Valentine’s Day should be an official vacation

Seriously, Karim! Valentine’s Day should be an official vacation

Valentine's Day

I wish you the best Valentine’s Day. The photograph above was taken in Cranford, New Jersey, on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.Karim Shamsi-Basha

If you are one of my usual readers, you know that these columns are usually on the humorous side. I include fragments and pieces of intellectual and emotional discussions sometimes, but above all, step on the lighter side. Many of you have told me how much you enjoy a brighter break in the dark world of the news.

However, with Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I will walk that sincere line, one towards the meaning of this four -letter word that occupies so much space in our universe.

Our whole life revolves around love and its manifestations: family love, romantic love, spiritual love, physical love, love for people and things and habits, and books and lollypops! Love for music and sports and eagles (Woohoooo!). Love for celebrities and art and food: ahh, food! I can go all day on food.

I am dedicating this column to romantic love. But to keep smiles, there is a fun story at the end. Besides, I would like you to share your love story. My email is down.

Have you been in love with a husband/wife/partner for 60 years? For a year?

Have you been in love with a pet? A job? A friend without them knowing? Let’s go to Spicey!

Have you been in love with a co -worker who sits in the cubic in front of you? Write me. He could share his story in a future column.

But now, I want to share two pieces of writing about love. The first is from 19th -century Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran in his international sales success, The prophetOne of the most read books in history. The chapter on love is popular as a reading during Arab weddings, such as Corinthians 13 at American weddings.

“When love calls you, follow it, although your paths are difficult and steep. And when his wings wrap him, although the hidden sword among his pine nuts can hurt you. And when he speaks to you, he believes in him, although his voice can break your dreams, while the north wind puts the garden. Because even when love crowns you, it will crucify you. Even as it is for your growth, so it is for your pruning. Even while ascending to its height and caresses its most tender branches that tremble in the sun, it will also descend to its roots and shake them in its clinging to the earth.

Like corn pins, it brings together yourself. He threshing you to make you naked. He sifes you to free yourself from your peels. He grinds to whiteness. He loves you until you are flexible; And then assign you to your sacred fire, so you can become sacred bread for the sacred party of God. All these things will love so that you can know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge it becomes a fragment of the heart of life.

Love does not give anything to yourself and does not take anything from yourself. Love does not possess or will be possessed; Because love is enough for love. “

This writing is much longer, and if you want more, look for the prophet.

As we are talking about love, here is one of Shakespeare’s sayings:

“Love is not love that alters when your alteration finds or bends with the remover to eliminate. Oh, no! It is an always fixed brand that looks at the storms and never shakes. “

I leave you with this real story: one of my single friends married the love of his life after he used this line to know it: “I must be a snowflow because I have fallen in love with you!”

Sometimes the short and sweet, and fun, works better than Shakespear or Gibran!

Karim, seriously.

Karim Shamsi-Basha can be contacted in [email protected]. Follow it Twitter AND Instagram.

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