Look: the man caught the mass of kneading with dirty water; Here is why it is dangerous

Look: the man caught the mass of kneading with dirty water; Here is why it is dangerous

Look: the man caught the mass of kneading with dirty water; Here is why it is dangerous

Eating in the streets is a matter of choice and sometimes it is also the only option when traveling through roads. But what happens if this choice results in a danger to health? Yes, you read it, right? Recently, a cook was caught kneading dirty water in Kanpur Eatery en route for Prayag Raj. Show down to read the details.
In a viral video, published on Instagram by the kamal_giri_maharaj mango, a chef was caught kneading the dough using contaminated water in anti -hygienic conditions.

Interestingly, when the individual in question faces the chef, saying: “You are kneading the dough with so dirty water; this is not good. People come here with certain expectations. This is bad on your part, right? practice “. The cook recognizes criticism of nodding.

Secondary effect of antihigienic and contaminated water consumption
Contaminated water consumption can lead to serious health problems, ranging from mild discomfort to potentially mortal diseases. These are the possible side effects:
Diseases transmitted by water: It is said that contaminated water can cause cholera, severe diarrhea and dehydration.
Typhoid fever: It is also said that contaminated water can cause high fever, weakness and digestive problems.
Dyscentía: You can also cause diarrhea and stomach cramps.

Digestive problems: due to harmful bacteria and parasites, contaminated water can cause vomiting and other digestive problems.
Weakened immune system: Regular exposure to contaminated water weakens body defenses, so it is prone to infections.
Heavy metal poisoning: lead and mercury in contaminated water can damage the brain, liver and kidneys, which leads to long -term health problems.
Skin infections and irritations: rashes, allergies and fungal infections can occur if contaminated water is used for consumption.
What do you think of such contamination?

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