10 best body horror films of the last 20 years (which are not the substance)

10 best body horror films of the last 20 years (which are not the substance)

Fargeat de Coralie critically adored The substanceWith a dominant work of Demi Moore, it has been causing a great splash since its launch in September 2024. And for those who lost it in theaters and need to catch up before the Oscar night, the body horror movie Often surprising and stimulating is now available to transmit with a MUBI subscription. With a satirical advantage and some really impressive practical effects, it is a film that evokes memories of the best members of his horrible subgenre, immediately puts himself in the best ranks along with the works of David Cronenberg and John Carpenter. videos

Another film recently made available to rent, WolfIt is also largely a body horror film, which demonstrates being much more focused on the transformation of “man” into the title than the “wolf.” Not to mention that the classics are always, like the late David Lynch’s Deletion headCronenberg’s Videodrom and The flyor carpenter The thing.

Black Swan

Photos of Fox Searchlight

As The substanceDarren Aronofsky’s Black Swan It is one of the few body horror films to obtain any type of Oscar consideration. And deservedly, since it is a reflexive and memorable visualization experience promoted by a work by Natalie Portman.

Portman essentially plays two characters. The first is Nina Sayers, a dancer with an unsurpassed impulse to play the main character in Swan lake. The second is who, or what becomes the part of the part. She will have her chance, but in the process, she can not only break her body, but also lose her soul.

Stream Black Swan In Max.

Color out of space


Color out of space It was Richard Stanley’s first film in more than 20 years after disastrous (but, honestly, fun) Dr. Moreau Island. This time, you can bring your full sensitivity to the project, which results in a perfect fusion of your vision and the works of HP Lovecraft. In fact, Color out of space is classified just up there with Resuscator As one of the best adaptations of the Lovecraft bibliography.

Color out of space Follow Nathan Gardner from Nicolas Cage while moving his family to his recently deceased father. When a meteorite lands in his patio, then he disappears, he and his family are exposed to his strange effects on the local field. At the end of the film, each family member is seeing strange and illuminated things and the matriarch has been deformed beyond recognition.

Stream Color out of space in AMC+.


Paramount photos

A war film, a part of John Carpenter’s reference, a mystery of a part and a part of the horror of the body, Mister Mark many boxes and manages to see them well. As for Carpenter’s reference element, Mister It may well be the best complementary piece of your perfect film, The thing. On the one hand, he tries to approach in terms of stylistic flourisures such as images and musical signals, and not to mention that one of the potential clients is Kurt Russell’s son, Good heavens Star Wyatt Rusell.

This World War II film in World War The few soldiers find a group of Nazi soldiers who perform horrible and war experiments to the body. And, once a Nazi has taken the serum in the core of the film, much more than a few bullets are needed to leave them forever.

Stream Mister Free with ads on Pluto TV.

Terror of the planet

Dimension movies

Most Routine house They may have been the false trailers (which then became the real Thanksgiving and Machete), But the two main midnight films were not half bad. One could expect that, between a film directed by Quentin Tarantino and a directed by Robert Rodríguez, Tarantino’s would be the winner, but that is not the case.

While Tarantino’s Death test He is languid (although reinforced by a great antagonist performance by Kurt Russell), Rodríguez’s Terror of the planet It is a good unpleasant moment from front to back. This Zombie story presents a Rose McGowan game like Cherry Darling, an exotic dancer whose leg is started and replaced with a machine gun. Naturally, she uses her new ash of Evil Dead-The appendix how to get to the bottom of this zombified conspiracy.

Stream Terror of the planet In Starz.


Lift photos

Brandon Cronenberg, the son of horror master David Cronenberg, the son of the horror master David Cronenberg, the son of the horror body David Cronenberg, does not disappoint Holder. Protagonist ForgotAndrea Riseborough, WolfChristopher Abbott, and game of Thrones‘Sean Bean, is a disturbing fusion of the psychological horror film and the body’s horror film, with an impact perpetually supported by an intelligent script by director Cronenberg.

Riseborough occupies the center of the stage as the murderer Tasya Vos, who achieves his missions taking control of other people’s bodies to approach his planned goal. But this process has begun to affect your mind, with thoughts of extreme violence that interrupt your family life. Soon, he also affects his working life, since the next time he tries to inhabit a body (the fiance of one of his objectives), the two merger for much longer than usual, which results in a disaster for the family of You.

Rent Holder In Prime Video.


Wild cluster

Naturally, no body horror movie is for the weak hearts, but Raw is In fact Not for heart weak. Mixing the drama of the age of age with the horror of the grotesque body, it is a very unusual film that has a great blow.

The story follows a vegetarian who begins the veterinary school. There, she takes her first meat test, which does not lead him so much to want to go chicken as much as she wants to go from chicken to the human torso. And she does it. And it is disgusting. Even worse, that carnivorous inclination is linked to its loan sexuality, which leads to some quite terrible nights for children in their orbit.

Rent Raw In Prime Video.

The skin in which I live

Warner Bros.

Described precisely by the director genius Pedro Almodóvar as “a horror story without shout or his fear”, The skin in which I live Paste a devastating blow that is unwavering of memory. Antonio Banderas touches well against type like Robert Ledgard, a plastic surgeon who has been working on artificial skin resistant to burns. His research is suspended when he leaves that he has been conducting experiments in humans, not just mice.

Ledgard also keeps a young woman named Vera Captive. It turns out that Vera is at least one of the people in which he has tried his skin. But the true identity of Vera is better that it is completely unexplained for possible first -time spectators.

Rent The skin in which I live In Prime Video.


Universal images

A favorite of fans of fans of DCU CO-ROOM JAMES GUNN, Slide It is an explosion of a viscous midnight movie. As for director’s debuts, Slide It is one of the most impressive Aughts, with Gunn already demonstrating to be a well -informed figure when it comes to combining genres in a way that does not alienate future spectators. And, for those who hope to see some of their favorite members of the cast, they do not care, because Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks, Gregg Henry and Michael Rooker are here.

Banks and rite are put in good particular use as a couple disarmed by an extraterrestrial meteorite and the parasite on board. After the meteorite accident lands in a remote city, it is the Chief of Police (Fillion) to find out why a lot of slugs have turned the people of the city into unpleasant zombies, and it depends on the subsidy of Starla de Banks try to save her and save her the soul of the husband even if her body has been absolutely devastated by the parasite.

Rent Slide In Prime Video.



Agallas is needed for a film to cover the old folklore dentata (vagina with teeth). The film has to achieve a certain tonal balance to work. Fortunately, the horror of comedy Teeth It’s just that movie, never get too seriously while simultaneously you never get also silly.

The narrative continues at dawn by Jess Weixler, a proud Virgin who knows the child who is also willing to give. But, when he does, he learns that the old myth of the dentate vagina is much less a myth and much more a reality. Your reality.

Stream Teeth Free with an Amazon Prime subscription.


OTL release

One of the best and most underestimated 2018 horror movies, Improvement It is an excellent showcase for the talents of director Leight Whatnell. The future director of the restarted universal monsters The invisible man and Wolf Create here what can be described better as cyberpunk is found John Wick He meets the horror of the body, and the results never lose the interest of the audience.

The Action-Forr Follow Prometheus The star Logan Marshall-Green as Gray Trace, a man who lives in the world administered by the technology of 2046 who, however, has an aversion to what the world maintains around him. After being assaulted and paralyzed, Trace is implanted in it that not only allows him to walk again, but also give him a superhuman force. But that has a physical cost, only that it is not as high as what the men who put it in this position to begin with.

Stream Improvement In Netflix.

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