The car crashes into the school bus, Milwaukee driver charged

The car crashes into the school bus, Milwaukee driver charged

Kalid Osman; Crash about 16 and Wilbur

A Milwaukee man is accused of crash against a school bus, causing him to lean to his sideThursday morning, February 20.

The prosecutors said that Kalid Osman, 22, admitted that he was competing with another car before colliding against the bus. He is accused of reckless lesions of second degree and minor crime of reckless driving.

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The background history:

It happened around 6:20 pm about 16 and Wilbur. According to a criminal complaint, the bus driver told the Police that he was heading south on 16th Street when his bus was suddenly beaten and turned around. The bus windshield was shattered and had significant damage.

The judicial documents said that the police found a black Volkswagen with “damage to the front -a severe end” that was “consistent with a clash at much higher speeds” than the speed limit of 25 mph recorded. The data module data module determined that it was driving 53 MPH five seconds before the impact and decelerated 42 MPH for a second before the impact.

Bus accident about 16th and Wilbur, Milwaukee

Osman identified himself as the driver, according to the complaint. Prosecutors said Osman told the Police that he was competing with another car in Wilbur Avenue before the accident. He said he tried to stop, but hit the bus.

Both Osman and the bus driver were taken to a hospital. There were no children on the bus.

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What follows?

Osman is scheduled for his initial appearance in court on Saturday.

The Source: The information in this report is from the Milwaukee County District Prosecutor and the Wisconsin Circuit Court.

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