I am terrified of being wasting my good appearance in my middle class middle class average.

I am terrified of being wasting my good appearance in my middle class middle class average.

Our advice columnists have heard it over the years, so we are immersing in the Prudcence estimated files to share classic cards with our readers. Send your own questions to Prudie here.

Dear prudence,

Recently I am committed to the most honest, reflective and loving man I have met. He has supported me in many difficult times, including the loss of my work and being attacked. Here is the but About him: he doesn’t earn money. It has ambitions, and is intelligent, but it will probably only bring middle class income at best. I have a good job and I am self -sufficient. Now here is the but About me: I am very, very beautiful. All my life, people have told me that I could get any man who wants, who means a rich man, and now they are surprised that I am committed to my fiance, even if it is good. I have never left with a rich man, but it is curious. So, part of me thinks that I am wasting my good appearance to this poor man, and the other part of me thinks that I am so superficial that I do not even deserve him or anyone else. Am I a fool to think that a poor man can make me happy or an idiot for believing a sexist fantasy?

—Inseciously superficial

Sincerely dear,

It’s delicate singing “I feel pretty“And keep the audience enchanted. Many people will be repelled by their recognized superficiality and will wish that a chain of rich men use it, then leave it when you begin to lose your appearance. But surely your fiance delights in fact, and surely their Friends have noticed, who has caught one of the most beautiful girls in the room. Intangible and tangible of others. pleasure inside and out of bed, but hides of the creditors.

You really wonder if you can be happy in the long term with a guy who treats you very well, but that will never satisfy you financially. “Middle Class” is a very elastic term, but I suppose that it means that while you and your fiance can meet your basic needs, they will mostly be living with payment check. You say it is intelligent and ambitious, and I suppose both are young, so you have not made clear why these two qualities cannot promote it more professionally. Perhaps it is prone to make dreams that the market rewards with a minimum wage. It is fair to want a completely taxpayer in life, but if you think that most of the gain of a couple should come from man, you need to reexamine your assumptions or track in your fiance. You and you need to discuss what kind of life would you like to take both and how each of you can draw the career options that will make it possible. Of course, there are no guarantees of financial success, just as there is no guarantees that good appearance attracts a guy with a bulky wallet (or that you stay with you in the middle age). But if you are afraid of the certainty that marrying your boyfriend will consign you to fear forever when the invoices arrive, this will tarnish your perception of their sterling qualities. You are not a superficial fool to think that a life of scratching will not be so pretty.

“Mily Yoffee.”

Of: Sexy and I know. (May 30, 2013).

Keep short questions (<150 words) and do not send the same question to several columns. We cannot edit or eliminate questions after publication. Use pseudonyms to maintain anonymity. Its shipping can be used in other slate advice columns and can be published for publication.

Dear prudence,

My wonderful husband has this obsession with my tits. After breastfeeding some children, they are no longer so discreet and young, and I am not very happy with the new more bulky aspect. I used to be a small B, now I am a solid C. My husband likes them that way, but I feel suffocated for their attention to them. Anything that is not a turtle neck obtains the passive and aggressive comment such as, “Do you feel good using that upper part?” At that moment I generally say yes, sometimes asking if he thinks he is too striking and assures me that he is fine while he feels good. At this point, I’m going to change because I don’t want you to think I am trying to show your mother at family lunch or something. What can I do to get it out of my back? I am modest, but I am thinning to feel that I never managed to dress properly.


Dear fashion problems,

So it is delighted with your expansion, but it is not strangely without support. If I understand you well, it seems that he wants to maintain the size of your cup secret (or two family secrets). A healthy interest and pleasure in the bodies of the other is good for a marriage. An obsession on a part of the body is not. From now on, instead of sliding and changing, staying firm. Explain that you are an adult woman and do not want to listen to comments undermining every time you use an outfit that is two steps from a burka. I hope his change in attitude will make him look at him as a deer trapped in the headlights. As for you, there are many physical changes suffered by women due to childbirth. But instead of lamenting their improved status, he accepts that his is a development that many women would envy.

Of: Trophy stops. (April 22, 2013)

Dear prudence,

PLAKE CASAR ME FOR SOON. My fiance and I do not want a great task, but we would like to mark the occasion with a small ceremony and invite the immediate family and some close friends. This is a second marriage for both of us. My ex -husband and I remain civilians with each other for the good of our children. Once the pain of our failed marriage had been cured, we developed a friendship based on mutual interests and shared history. My fiance and my ex get along, and we occasionally socialize with him and his partner. My ex is a judge and, as such, you can perform weddings. My fiance and I spoke it and we would like to ask him to marry us. We have not yet asked him and he is not sure he agrees, but we want to extend the invitation. The problem is that when I mentioned our plan to my sisters, they had an adjustment. They said it would be Hortera and that other family members will feel uncomfortable for my ex to marry us. I know it is an unusual situation, but it is also something we would really like to do. Are our plans too “outside”?

I want my ex officio my wedding

Dear ex to officiate,

I am in favor of the trainers who get along, especially when there are children involved. I am also in favor of intimate and discreet wedding ceremonies, especially when they are the second time. But even if I do not agree with their sisters throwing an attack, I agree with their point that the sweetness of the moment will take away if their loved ones think that when their officiant arrives, “by the powers invested in me.” He could add: “It is with great relief that I say thank God that she is yours and not mine.” You do not want the moment when you two join so that you are accompanied by the assistance of ribs and mass elbows to the ribs. It is fine if your ex and your girlfriend attend the ceremony, but surely you and your fiance can find a mutually pleasant person to preside over your wedding that does not have carnal knowledge of any of you either.

Of Ex-Cock of votes. (March 11, 2013)

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Our son is going to marry this fall. He and his fiance are angry on each other, as they would wait for their son. Our future daughter -in -law is intelligent, pretty and charming, but only when you feel it. For example, we launched a shower, and wrapped a souvenir box of my son’s childhood memories; Art and Baratijas that I have had over the years. It was, for me, a deeply sentimental gift. She opened it and I made a comment about making all these things cling so that I no longer had to do it.

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