Wounded driver wounded in the attack of anger of Northland Road

Wounded driver wounded in the attack of anger of Northland Road

A police car

Police requested images of the Chamber or Avistations of the incident.
Photo: RNZ / Marika Khabazi

The Northland Police is requesting information after a motorist was seriously injured in an assault.

Sergeant Detective Paul Overton said that an assault began to Crawford Crescent in Kamo, Whatrei, and ended in NGMinunguru Road at 5.45 pm

“Two people were arrested and spoke to them in relation to the incident, and the police believe that more people may have been involved,” he said.

“We are working to rebuild exactly what happened and we need your help.”

Police appealed by images of the camera or sightings of a white Mitsubishi Triton with a canopy and an UTE White Holden Rodeo 4×4.

The possible witnesses who captured the incident in the Chamber or members of the public who saw the UTES during this time are asked to communicate with the police.

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