Female athletes lawyers defend Trump’s order in women’s sports in case NH

Female athletes lawyers defend Trump’s order in women’s sports in case NH

February 24: The lawyers representing the United Women’s Athletes presented a motion on Friday in a federal court to intervene in the lawsuit filed by two athletes of the transgender high school of New Hampshire.

The organization is seeking to defend the new transgender sports law of the State and two executive orders of President Donald Trump, which says he protects women’s sports.

The United female athletes, which has members in New Hampshire and throughout the country that say they have lost in athletics competitions against male athletes, is being represented by lawyers of the Alliance that defends freedom.

HB 1205, a state law also known as the “Equity Law in Women Transgender teenagers, challenged the law.

Tirrell, a second year student at the Plymouth Regional High School, was allowed to play women’s football for Plymouth the past fall. Turmelle, first -year student at Pembroke Academy, wanted to try this spring for female tennis.

The New Hampshire Interest Athletic Association told member schools to follow Trump’s Executive Order of February 5 called “Keep men out of women’s sports,” saying in a press release that non -compliance could lead to ” possible consequences for federal financing. “

The families’ lawyers have now extended the demand and questioned that Trump order and signed on January 20 entitled “defending women from gender ideology and restoring biological truth to the federal government” and “keep men out of women’s sports.

“The Trump Administration Executive Orders are equivalent to a coordinated campaign to prevent transgender people from working in society,” said Chris Erchull, GLBTQ personnel lawyer Legal Defensates & Defenders (Glad Law), which represents families together with The aclu of the new aclu Hampshire. “The systematic orientation of transgender people in US institutions is chilling, but addressing young people in schools, denying them essential support and opportunities during their most vulnerable years, it is especially cruel.

“School sports are an important part of education, something that should not be denied simply who they are.”

In his brief, presented on Friday at the United States District Court in Concord, the Athlets of the United Athletes say that the organization has members throughout the country who wish to “compete in a safe playing field and not They can do so if they are forced to compete against men.

“That includes members who have been forced to compete against male athletes who identify as women,” says the report. “And it includes members who have had to do so in New Hampshire. In addition, the facial relief that the plaintiffs seek extend beyond sports teams. It would affect the protections of executive orders for female locker rooms, bathrooms and other spaces Private, Yyyy, (Women’s Athletes United) and its members also have a specific interest in keeping men out of those private spaces. “

“Women and girls deserve privacy, security and equal opportunities. That cannot happen when males compete in women’s sports, take places in female athletic teams and win female championships”, alliance defense alliance to the senior lawyer of the Alliance and vice president of Litigio Jonathan Scrungs said in a statement.

“President Trump’s executive orders and New Hampshire’s law simply recognize common sense and monitoring of title IX, the federal law that guarantees equal opportunities for women in athletics. While the rest of the world returns to the Biological reality, activists continue to drive gender ideology in schools and sports throughout the country.

“But female athletes have already suffered enough humiliation of losing to men in women’s sports and that they are told to remain silent: we are urging the court to consider their voices by deciding this vital case.”

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