They were ‘forced to feel like parents too anxious’, three days later his son was dead

They were ‘forced to feel like parents too anxious’, three days later his son was dead

Freddie Beaumont’s parents say that their ‘symptoms were not taken seriously’ during their first visit to the Royal de Salford hospital

Freddie Beaumont(Image: Sent)

The mother of a “very happy and smiling child” who collapsed and died three days after being sent home from the hospital has said an investigation into her death that she and her father were forced to feel “parents too anxious.”

Freddie Beaumont became critically ill in her family home in Worsley. It was only three weeks after his first birthday.

The young man was urgently taken to the hospital after entering a cardiac arrest, but could be saved.

Three days before, Freddie had been referred to the Pediatric Department of the Royal de Salford Hospital, and discharged a few hours later. Yesterday (February 24), an investigation heard how a doctor said he suffered from bronchiolitis, a common lung infection.

After his death, an autopsy found that Freddie had a streptococcence infection.

Freddie’s devastated mother told the court of the Forensic of Bolton that “the symptoms were not taken seriously” during his first visit to Salford Royal, although “it was clear that things were not fine.”

Freddie is the son of the Mark Beaumont Project Manager and Operations Director Aimee Beaumont. Giving evidence, his mother said he had been previously hospitalized with bronchiolitis in May 2022.

Freddie was discharged from Salford Royal three days before his death(Image: ABNM Photography)

They gave him antibiotics and received nurses monitoring visits. It could sound “quite abruptly, quite frequently” and her chest was a “constant concern,” said Mrs. Beaumont. In the days before his death, he appeared for the first time disagree after attending the nursery on Friday, November 18, 2022, the audience was told.

Mrs. Beaumont said there was an increase in her temperature, she was brat and “her breathing seemed more noisy than usual.” She took him to the center of Leight Walk-in the next morning (November 19). They were told that they were not taking ‘chest-related cases’ due to COVID-19, and reserved a telephone appointment with the GP service out of time.

The practitioner who spoke to them suggested that they went to Salford Royal so that he could be reviewed and reserved an appointment with a header based there.

During the consultation, the doctor mentioned that Freddie seemed to be “growl” and that “his breathing is excessive,” said Mrs. Beaumont.

He sent Freddie to the pediatric unit of the hospital, known as the Panda unit. Mrs. Beaumont said that in the unit, herself and her husband felt as if they were “parents too anxious to be fussy when we should have been a little more relaxed.”

The investigation is being heard by a jury in the court of the Forensic de Bolton(Image: Manchester Evening News)

His parents gave him ibuprofen while waiting, and Mrs. Beaumont said she had “animated a little” when they saw him in the panda unit.

“He was a very happy and smiling child. I tried to explain that he will smile at you now, but he is not right. His chest was much worse than we had heard. And his periods above and down were a much more dramatic than they had been Before, “he said.

Before being discharged, Freddie was seen by the pediatric consultant Dr. Raja Syahanee, who said Mrs. Beaumont had told her that she had ‘standard bronchiolitis’ and that it was ‘nothing out of the ordinary’.

“She set out as if we were a bit too anxious for something that is quite common,” said Mrs. Beaumont.

“I had had it before, and I said it was much worse,” he continued. “We wanted some antibiotics or something that could help you feel a little better, when we knew it was a rather serious case. We didn’t think that was taking seriously.”

No blood test was performed, the audience was told. The family “did not believe that it should have been discharged” and that he “should have been maintained for observation and possibly oxygen,” he said. They were a “panic” for the decision to send them home, it was told to the jury.

“As parents, they are always told that you know your son better. It was worse than he had been with bronchiolitis in the past, and the doctor had mentioned that he had heard the growl, and did not take it seriously,” he said.

When asked what was Dr. Syahanee’s response to the suggestion that Freddie was’ growling, “Beaumont said:” There really was no reaction. I think his mind was already made with bronchiolitis. “

Mrs. Beaumont said there was no “security councils.”

“The only thing they told us was in reference to Calpol,” he said. He added that they told him that only Calpol gave him as a “last resort” and if his temperature exceeds 40 degrees.

In the hours after his discharge, he “did not seem himself” and was “just out.” Mrs. Beaumont said. She said they gave her Calpol, and he slept that night, but she was “very disturbed” that “was not like him, since it was a very good sleep.”

The next day he attended another child’s birthday party and was ‘up and down’, he heard the court. There was a “slight improvement” and they thought “it could be the worst,” said Mrs. Beaumont.

However, he woke up the next morning and “it didn’t seem correct”, so they kept him out of the nursery and his father stayed at home to take care of him, he said. When he went to sleep, he seemed “restless” and had a “noisy breathing,” he said.

On Tuesday, November 22, it was stirred around 9.30 in the morning before Mrs. Beaumont said it aroused it around 11.30 am to feed. She seemed pale and her ‘eyes began to roll in her head’, which led her to fear that she suffers, she said. She called 999, but he stopped breathing while he was at stake, and started pediatric RCP, until the paramedics arrived.

He was urgently taken to Salford Royal, but despite the extensive resuscitation attempts, he was declared dead at 12:51 pm.

An autopsy, carried out by the pathologist, Dr. Melanie NewBould, confirmed her death as the result of acute empyema and pneumonia (hemolytic streptococcus of group A).

Mrs. Beaumont said “they wanted to know why Freddie died.” She said that the questions they would like to see answered in the investigation in question ‘additional evidence, the prescription of antibiotics, monitoring and if it should have been kept in the hospital in all circumstances’.


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