Miss Manners: How difficult is, seriously, respond to a party invitation?

Miss Manners: How difficult is, seriously, respond to a party invitation?

Dear Miss Manners: When planning a party, I am sure that many of us could agree that it is stressful to try to get a precise count of the head. How do you get people who invite you to respond in a timely manner?

Soft reader: an excellent question. Please let Miss Manners know when you think about an answer.

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Dear Miss Manners: My daughter married last June, and apparently has not yet written her thanks notes. She insists that she has a year to write them, and says that is what Miss Manners wrote.

I can’t find where he addressed this problem. So, please, could you give us your failure? How long after receiving a wedding gift has the happy couple who has to write their gratitude notes?

Soft reader: Ask her daughter to stop freeing Miss Manners. She does not count the extreme rudeness of ignoring a wedding gift for up to one year, and has declared it a thousand times.

Thanks must be expressed immediately after receiving a gift. But not to be too rigid about it, Miss Manners will allow 20 minutes for the recipient to find a pen and paper.

(Send your questions to Miss Manners on your website,; To your email, [email protected]; Or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndionction, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)

Copyright 2025 Judith Martin

Distributed by Andrews McMeel’s syndication

1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500

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