Cross Gates: Companies in the suburb of Leeds impact of the fear of road works

Cross Gates: Companies in the suburb of Leeds impact of the fear of road works

Katie Ramsden established her cafeteria just over a year after her son, Tobias, was dead.

“They appreciate your life more when something like this happens,” he told the BBC, his bustling coffee with travelers who hope to catch the next train in Leeds.

Hit Coffee, which is called using a combination of his children’s initials, gave Mrs. Ramsden the opportunity to establish her own hours, allowing her more time to spend more time with her family.

He worries that the works, that they are part of the update of the Transpenine route, prevent people from entering.

“We bring our children for breakfast before going to school; our life at home and the business will now have to change dramatically.

“We will be extremely restricted, we will not have a tread, we will not have the input traffic; it is petrifying.

“Without help, we cannot survive this, we have nothing else; this is what we are.”

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