Nyamira professor hit by director while teaching appeals for the help of TSC

Nyamira professor hit by director while teaching appeals for the help of TSC

A Nyamira teacher, who was physically assaulted by the director of his school, while in class he has opened about the terrible experience that left him hospitalized.

Vincent Onyancha, the victim of a brutal attack for its superiorIt quickly became the center of attention with the teachers attached to the Nyamira Division of the Union of Primary Education (Kuppet) of Kenya (Kuppet) Nyamira Division that threatens to attack in solidarity with its colleague.

The teacher said he arrived at primary school a little late and went directly to class, but the director followed him and began hitting him.

“On Friday, February 21, I reported that I worked at school a little late. Once I arrived, I went to class and began to teach. When he was teaching, the director entered and started hitting me. He slapped me and beat me so much, “he said Onyancha while narrating the strange incident.

The offices of the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) in Nairobi.


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“Then, he dragged me to his office where he brought me to the ground, hitting the blows and kicking me. I received serious injuries and had to be taken to the hospital and they entered me, ”he added.

The injuries suffered by Onyancha left the teacher With a partially destroyed left eardrumInjuries to your groin area and other body lesions.

Onyancha declared that the director, who was physically stronger and bigger than him, brought the wounds on him with his naked hands citing his delay as the reason for the serious beating he suffered.

The Nyanchoka elementary school teacher asked the Teacher Service Commission (TSC), Kuppet and other human rights agencies to intervene and take measures against the director.

“I would like the TSC, Kuppet and other human rights agencies to intervene and take measures towards this issue,” said Ocha.

The director accused of the assault has not yet responded publicly to the level accusations against him.

The case of Onyoncha is not the first instance that a teacher is attacked. The high school of St. Gabriel Isongo in Mumias East caught attention after the parents faced and assaulted the director about the results of the Poor Secondary Education Certificate (KCSE) of Kenya.

A video captured a father who entered the director’s office and withdrew it by force after a physical confrontation.

The school recorded a B, a B-, eight Cs, 12 Cs, 24 D+S, 46 DS, 79 DS and four is, results that left the parents deeply dissatisfied.

A collage of Knut Collins Oyuu and Akello Misori’s Secretary of Kuppet


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