What is Femgore? The trend by taking the world of assault

What is Femgore? The trend by taking the world of assault

After years of being told that they are friendly, quiet and perfectly prepared at all times, we may only need to let a primary cry escape, and pop culture has considered that the literary world is the last emptiness to shout. This emerging genre is not only entertaining, it is liberator. It gives us permission to explore anger, fury and aggression that women have been constantly told to be bottled.

In a world where women’s rights are constantly threatened and our bodies are still monitored, there is something cathartic in reading stories where women completely lose the plot (in the most graphic way possible).

“Women have had enough of their bodies as a fetish, horror and exploitation site,” said editor Romilly Morgan Cosmopolitan.

“From the increase in Deepfake’s pornography to the endless first planes of the brutalized female bodies in the true documents of the crime, to our reproductive rights that are used as political pawns, it is too much. In reaction, women are creating a world in which they are controlled.

“There is very little space or patience for female anger in the outside world, so they have had to turn it on the page. You will never see the wrath of women in history books, but you will find it in their fiction.”

Jessica Parant film criticism had a vision similar to talking with Seventh row About femgore, saying: “This type of horror films can address the harmful impact of the oppressive patriarchal system on the collective female body.

Is this, um, healthy?

Look, we are not saying that you should consume Femgore as a guide of “how to do.” But in a world of food and instagram pressure perfectly selected to be “that girl”, there may be something refreshing in hugging our darkest impulses, safely content within the pages of a book, of course.

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