How to protect your cold hair, according to professionals

How to protect your cold hair, according to professionals

It has been very cold in the United Kingdom in recent months. Most of us are aware of the concept of Winter skin carethat is, potentially need more food in your skin care routine in response to hard effects and cold weather. But, in my experience, I find that my hair and scalp suffer as much as the skin on my face.

And it is not just the outdoor climate that happens to you; Sudden changes from cold outdoor to our pleasant and heated houses centrally also exert hair tension. All this sounds a bit pessimistic, but it is not necessary, because learning to protect your cold hair is quite simple with a little expert information. Here we show you how to take care of your hair in the cold and keep it on the tip, according to three different hair experts. But first …

What happens to our hair when it’s cold?

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