Fort Collins Dentist guilty of hiding more than $ 3.5 million IRS in fiscal refuge

Fort Collins Dentist guilty of hiding more than $ 3.5 million IRS in fiscal refuge

A Fort Collins dentist declared himself guilty this week of hiding more than $ 3.5 million in IRS revenues using an illegal tax refuge, according to federal prosecutors and judicial records.

Ryan Ulibarri owned and operated on the 2014 Ulibarri family dentistry and in 2016 established the fiscal refuge, which included a network of trusts and a private family foundation, said the United States Department of Justice in A press release.

Ulibarri transferred millions of dollars in earnings of his dental practice to the shelter between 2017 and 2022, spending money on credit card debts, their housing mortgage, boats and baseball season tickets.

He also presented fraudulent fiscal documents and caused a fiscal loss of more than $ 1 million for the IRS.

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