‘He is able to think for himself’

‘He is able to think for himself’

Critter Solutions wanted to create "Open and cozy" traps more likely to attract animals.

Photo credit: Lawrence Sheddan

Scientists in New Zealand developed a Smart trap wearing artificial intelligence To help eradicate pests. The trap can detect pests, such as rats, ferrets and weapons, with impressive precision, pointing to pests while saving protected species.

Creature solutionsto technology Research and Development Company, developed the AI ​​traps using Automatic learningeffectively “teach” him technical What animals eradicate it by feeding it with target and non -objective wildlife images. Directed by Dr. Helen Blackie, the team calls Technology is a “world first in intelligent and autonomous death traps.”

“If an animal approaches the trap, it is able to think for itself and decide what animal is,” said Dr. Blackie New Zealand Radio. “If (the trap) recognizes it as a kind of plague, it triggers the trap, and if it recognizes it as a non -objective species or a native species, it can ensure that it is not activated.”

Dr. Blackie told him New Zealand Radio These traditional traps tried to deter “species non -objective” making the traps difficult to enter. But that would also make the traps less attractive to the objective species, and the tactic was not infallible, since the traps sometimes caught protected species anyway.

Critter Solutions wanted to create “open and invited” traps that better attract animals, and the company wanted to use technology to identify pests instead of depending on the construction of the trap.

The traps, which are also being used to kill wild cats in Australia, are surprisingly precise. Dr. Blackie told him New Zealand Radio Technology is advanced enough to filter the tsiragnostas, a protected species, of wild cats.

“If you have a black Tsarigüeya and a black cat, you must make sure you have good quality data fed in artificial intelligence models to account for those circumstances,” said Dr. Blackie. New Zealand Radio.

Critter Solutions expects the smart trap to help New Zealand to reach its Ambitious goal of being “predators free” by 2050. The country expects to eradicate pests such as rats, SartoHurns and weaps for 2050 to help protect the native wildlife of the country.

While these smart traps are an example of how AI can positively affect the planet, there are still Environmental concerns with the growing popularity of intelligent technology. IA data centers Use a huge amount of electricity, which often works with dirty fuel. Data centers also stir billions of fresh water to cool equipment.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology is based on minerals and rare elements, which are often extracted and unsustainable, according to the United Nations Environment Program.

He demands of AI They are expected to contribute to the duplication of energy consumption of the data center from 2022 to 2026.

“There is still much that we do not know about the environmental impact of AI, but some of the data we have are worrying,” said Golestan Radwan, digital director of the United Nations Environment Program, on UNPP website. “We need to make sure that the net effect of AI on the planet is positive before implementing the scale technology.”

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