To repair actions for employee compensation | 03.03.25

To repair actions for employee compensation | 03.03.25

To repair actions for employee compensation

Ing announced today the beginning of a sharing repurchase program under which he plans to repurchase ordinary Ing Groep NV shares, for a maximum total amount of € 70 million. The purpose of the Actions Repurchase Program is to comply with the obligations under compensation plans based on ING shares.

The repurchase of shares will begin on March 3, 2025 and is expected to end no later than March 7, 2025.

The ECB has approved the repurchase, which will be executed in accordance with the regulation of the market abuse and within the limitations of the existing authority to acquire a maximum of 20% of the shares issued by the General Meeting of Shareholders on April 22, 2024.

More information about our shares repurchase programs can be found in the Relationships section with ING website investors:

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ING is a global financial institution with a solid European base, which offers bank services through its operational company ING BANK. The purpose of ING BANK is: empower people to keep a step forward in life and business. The more than 60,000 bank employees offer retail and wholesale banking services to customers in more than 100 countries.

The AG Group actions are listed in the Amsterdam exchanges (Inga Na,, Brussels and in the New York Stock Exchange (ADRS: Ing US, Ing.N).

Its objective is to put sustainability in the heart of what we do. Our policies and actions are evaluated by independent researchers and grades suppliers, who grant them updates annually. MSCI’s ESG qualification was reconfirmed by MSCI as ‘AA’ in August 2024 for the fifth year. As of December 2023, in the vision of Substainal andics, the management of the material risk of ESE is “strong.” Our current risk update is 17.2 (low risk). Ing Group actions are also included in the main sustainability products and ESG index of leading suppliers. Here are some examples: Euronext, Stoxx, Morningstar and FTSE Russell. Society is making the transition to a low carbon economy. So are our customers, and they are so. We finance many sustainable activities, but we still finance more, that is not. Follow our progress at

Important legal information

The elements of this press release contain or can contain information about ING GROEP NV and/ or ING BANK NV in the sense of article 7 (1) A (4) of the EU Regulation No. 596/2014 (‘Market Abuse Regulation’).

The annual Ing Group accounts are prepared in accordance with the international financial reports adopted by the European Union (‘IFRS-EU’). When preparing financial information in this document, except as the opposite is described, the same accounting principles apply as in the consolidated annual accounts of the 2023 group. The financial statements by 2024 are in progress and may be subject to subsequent events settings. All figures in this document are not audited. They are possible small differences in the tables due to rounding.

Some of the statements contained in this document are not historical facts, including, among others, certain statements made of future expectations and other prospective statements that are based on the opinions and current assumptions of management and imply known risks and uncertainties that could cause real results, performance or material events of those expressed or involved in such statements. The real results, performance or events may be important in those statements due to a series of factors, including, among others, (1) changes in general economic conditions and customer behavior, in particular economic conditions in the central markets of ING, including changes that affect the rate of currency change and the regional and global economic impact of the invasion of the invasion of Russia in UKRAINE and the international response measures (2). yield of financial markets, even in Europe and market development

(5) Fiscal uncertainty in Europe and the United States (6) Discontinuation or changes in the ‘reference point’ indices (7) Inflation and deflation in our main markets (8) Changes in the conditions in the credit markets and capital in general, including changes in the borrower and credit of the counterpart (9) failures of the banks that fall under the scope of the state compensation of the From the changes of the law, include the banks of the banks of the banks. Financial services, financial economic crimes and tax laws, and the interpretation and application of the same (11) geopolitical risks, political instabilities and political and actions of the governmental and regulatory authorities, including the invasion of the Russia in Ukraine and the related international response measures (12) legal and regulatory risks in certain countries with less developed and regulatory and regulations, including regulations in certain countries in certain countries, including regulatory and regulatory (13). Restrictions on Dividends and Distributions (Also Among Members of the Group) (14) ING’S ABILITY TO MEET MINIMUM CAPITAL AND OTHER PROTENTIAL REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS (15) CHANGES IN REGULATION OF US COMMODITIES AND DERIVATIVES BUSINESES OF ING AND ITS CUSTOMERS (16) Regimes, Including Write Down and Conversion Powers in Relation to Our Securities (17) Outcome of Current and Future Litigation, Enforcement Proceedings, Investigations or other regulatory actions, including claims by customers or stakeholders who feel me my me. other behavior issues (18) changes in tax Laws and regulations and risks of non-compliance or investigation in connection with Tax laws, including fatca (19) Operational and it risks, such as system disruptions or failures, Breaches of Security, Cyber-Attacks, Human error, human error CHANGES IN OPERATIONAL PRACTICES OR INADQUATE CONTRUDING IN RESPECT OF THIRD PARTIES WITH Challenges Related to Cybercrime Including the e? Ects ​​of cyberattacks and changes in legislation and regulation related to cybersecurity and data privacy, including such risks and challenges as a consequence of the use of emerging technologies, Such As Advanced Forms of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Intelligence Quantum (21) Changes in general competitive factors, including the ability to increase or maintain market share (22) inability to protect our intellectual properties of property and infraction by third parties (23) inability of the counterpart to comply with financial obligations or the ability to make rights against said counterparts (24) changes in credit qualifications (25) commercial, regulatory, regulatory, regulatory, reputation, transition, transition, transition, transition, transition and transition Other rights against rights (24) connections in changes in credit grades (25). and Esg-Related Matters, Including Data Gathering and Reporting (26) Disability to Attract and Retain Key Personnel (27) Future Liabilities under defined benefit retirement plans (28) Failure to Manage Business Risks, Including in Connection With Use of Models, Use of Derives APPROPRIATE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES (29) CHANGES IN CAPITAL AND CREDIT MARKETS, INCLUDING INTERBANK FUNDING, AS WELL AS CUSTOMER DEPOSITS, WHICH PROVIDES THE LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL REQUIRED TO FUND OR OPERATIONS Most recent Revelations of ING, including press releases, which are available in

This document may contain material related to ESG that has been prepared by the publicly available information base, internally developed data and other third -party sources that are believed to be reliable. ING has not tried to independently verify the information obtained from public and third -party sources and does not make representations or guarantees about precision, integrity, reasonability or reliability of said information.

Materiality, as used in the context of ESG, is different from, and should not be confused with, the term as defined in the regulation of the market abuse or as defined for reports of the stock exchange and values ​​(‘sec’). Therefore, any problem identified as material for ESG purposes in this document is not necessarily material as defined in the regulation of the market abuse or for the purposes of the SEC reports. In addition, there is currently no single set of definitions worldwide to assess whether the activities are “green” or “sustainable.” Without limiting any of the statements contained in this document, we do not make any representation or guarantee of whether any of our values ​​constitutes green or sustainable security or fits the expectations or objectives of present or future investors for green or sustainable investment. To obtain information on the characteristics of security, the use of income, a description of the applicable projects and/or any other relevant information, refers to the offer documents for said security.

This document may contain inactive textual addresses to websites operated by us and third parties. The reference to these websites is made only for information purposes, and the information found in these websites is not incorporated by reference in this document. ING does not make any representation or guarantee regarding the precision or integrity of, nor assumes any responsibility, no information found on any website operated by third parties. ING specifically renounces any responsibility with respect to any information found on websites operated by third parties. ING cannot guarantee that websites operated by third parties remain available after the publication of this document, or that any information found on these websites does not change after the presentation of this document. Many of these factors are out of the control of ING.

Any prospective statement made by or on behalf of Ingent only from the date they are carried out, and does not assume any obligation to publicly update or review any prospective statement, either as a result of new information or for any other reason.

This document does not constitute a O? Er to sell, or an application for an Otomed to buy, no values ​​in the United States or any other jurisdiction.

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