Milwaukee fatal apartments, a man accused of homicide

Milwaukee fatal apartments, a man accused of homicide

A Milwaukee man was accused of first -degree intentional homicide after prosecutors say he shot and killed a man in an apartment building.

The shooting occurred about 27 and Highland on February 26, 2025.

Terry Jefferson, 33, is accused of shooting the victim, Charles Williams, several times, finally kills him. Jefferson said Williams was helping him move to the apartment at that time.

The first degree intentional homicide charge, with the use of a dangerous weapon modifier, entails a life sentence if it is convicted.

Incident details

What we know:

According to the criminal complaint, just before 5 in the afternoon of February 26, Milwaukee police officers were already in the department near 27 and Highland in search of a person sought when an officer heard a strong explosion. Initially, the officer thought it was possibly a door blow. But after a couple of minutes, the officer heard a rapid succession of shots from somewhere in the department.

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The officers discovered that on the second floor two people were in the hall. One of those people, later identified as Charles Williams, lay on the floor next to a pool of blood. The other person, later identified as the defendant, Terry Jefferson, was standing at Williams’s feet, holding a gun in his right hand. The officers ordered Jefferson to leave their weapon, who died. He was arrested, according to the complaint.

The officers helped Williams, who was later taken to the hospital, where he was declared dead. An autopsy in Williams’s body determined that the cause of death was multiple gunshot wounds, according to the complaint.

Interview with the witness #1

What they are saying:

The complaint continues to say that the detectives talked to a witness who was in an apartment adjacent to the hall where the shooting took place. The witness said they heard a single shot, and then looked in the hall and saw a person who knew he was in the process of moving to the building (Jefferson), and another person (Williams) on the floor who had received a shot. The witness said Jefferson was holding a black semi -automatic gun in his right hand. The witness did not know if the two people knew each other.

Jefferson told the witness that Williams “shot himself”, and then Jefferson said “he tried to grab my gun.” The witness saw blood throughout the floor. Jefferson told the witness to “call paramedics.” The witness called 911 and then Jefferson took the phone. Williams seemed to be angry because they had shot him and tried to get up. The witness returned to his department because they did not know what to do, and then heard 6-7 further shots in the rapid succession. The witness did not see any shooting (he did not witness the first shot or witness the rapid succession of shots a few minutes later), according to the complaint.

Ring video

What we know:

The complaint continues to say that the witness sent a clip of a ring chamber that captured part of the incident immediately after the first shot. The 22 -second clip shows Jefferson standing on Williams. The clip is consistent with the events that the witness described that it happened just before the rapid succession of shooting when the witness returned to his department. It should be noted that in this 22 second clip, Williams is on the floor and does not move (bold emphasis on the criminal complaint).

Interview with Witness #2

What they are saying:

The complaint also states that the detectives talked to another witness on the floor when the shooting occurred. The witness said they were inside his apartment and listened to a shot and looked out of the apartment. They saw a person (Williams) shot on the ground next to the elevator. Williams was on his mind with his head down and was reaching a “buggie” (which the witness later clarified that it was a shopping cart that had some items).

The witness said that Jefferson was telling Williams to stay down and was “accumulating the slide” of a gun. Jefferson then shot numerous additional times and then returned to his department.

The witness did not see Williams with any weapon, and described that the shooter (Jefferson) and Williams were just one couple of feet of each other. The witness felt as Jefferson and Williams were known, according to the complaint.

Scene research

What we know:

The complaint continues to say that the shooting occurred in the hall of the second floor in front of an elevator. There was a lot of blood on the carpet where Williams had been lying on the floor. A Black Taurus caliber gun .45 was on the floor where the officers arrested Jefferson. Eight of .45 caliber calibers were recovered in the area where the shooting took place.

Interview with Terry Jefferson

What they are saying:

The complaint continues to say that the detectives conducted a Mirandized interview with Terry Jefferson.

Jefferson said he was moving to his department and had his firearm in his pocket with a hood. He indicated that Williams was helping him move and also knew that he (Jefferson) had a weapon on him. Jefferson said he and Williams downloaded his car. Jefferson took the elevator and when the elevator door opened, Williams was very close to him and began to “grab things.” Jefferson explained that he believed that Williams was reaching his firearm and then Jefferson grabbed the firearm and shot Williams.

Jefferson believed that the first shot hit Williams on his face. Jefferson said he knew he had hit Williams because he could see that Williams had begun to bleed. Then he told Williams to lie down. Shortly after that, the first witness entered the hall and Jefferson told that person to call 911. Jefferson said he was talking on the phone with 911 and was struggling to listen to the dispatcher, according to the complaint.

Jefferson said that after the first shot, his weapon stuck, so the malfunction cleared. He also said he told Williams to “relate.” He acknowledged that he never saw Williams with a gun or another weapon. Jefferson explained that during the second round of shooting, Williams approached him and reached him, which made Jefferson shoot all rounds in the firearm, according to the complaint.

The complaint continues to say that Jefferson showed the detectives that Williams was 1-2 feet away during the first shot, then for the second shot, Williams was not close enough to extend to Jefferson, but that Williams was in the personal space of Jefferson. Jefferson indicated that once he started shooting for the second time, Williams began to go back while he still faced him, then went down.

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Judicial procedures

What follows?

Terry Jefferson had its initial appearance in court on Sunday, March 2. The cash bonus was set at $ 200,000.

Your preliminary audience is scheduled for March 11.

The Source: The Milwaukee County District Office sent the criminal complaint to Fox6. Judicial information is publicly available on the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website.

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