“This minister is not suitable for office,” says Reddy de MK Party on Majodina

“This minister is not suitable for office,” says Reddy de MK Party on Majodina

Cabo del Cabo – Visvin Reddy of the MK party has become the first parliamentarian in the new administration to be evicted from the National Assembly on Tuesday after starting a scream of meeting for the Chief of Water and Sanitation, Pemmy Majodina.

The Chamber has been discussing a 2023 request from Germiston’s residents so that Parliament intervenes in the non -supply of water by the municipality of Ekurhuleni.

Reddy said that his problems are not unique and that Majodina is failing in the communities throughout the country that they have to live without water due to the failures of their department.

In a heated debate about the recommendations of the Water and Sanitation Committee of Parliament to treat Germiston’s water crisis, Reddy lashed out at the Majodine minister.

He said that recommendations such as the construction of new deposits, and the completion of the Lesotho Highlands project will take too long to solve immediate problems.

“This minister is not suitable for office. He is in denial, he is out of contact and has failed in our nation,” said Reddy.

Then, Reddy gathered the house to demand that Majodina be farewell, despite the attempts of Vice President Annelie Lotriet to call it out of service.

“Pemmy must leave! Pemmy must leave,” said Reddy.

Reddy said he had not heard Lotriet’s instruction, and after refusing to pay attention to a request to leave the house that Lotriet increased the matter.

“Now I turn to parliamentary protection services in terms of rule 7.3.2 to help the sergeant to weapons to eliminate the chamber member and the enclosure so that the house can continue with their businesses,” said Reddy.

Reddy then went on his own, shouting to the chair while he left.

“Lotriet says that he will send his decision to the Committee of powers and privileges, while the MK party can challenge his decision in the rules committee after the party whips complained that he was ignoring their interjections and sound problems they are experiencing in the parliamentary dome,” Reddy concluded.

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