GREG GUTFELD: For Democrats, politics comes before everything

GREG GUTFELD: For Democrats, politics comes before everything

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We are a week away from Election Day and one way or another someone is going to win this. It’s not going to end in a tie like soccer or the best abs in Cancun contest I should have won last year. Right now, the polls are very close, at least according to the lying, cowardly bastards in the media. because if you compared the surveys According to common sense, one would think that we are in two different worlds. There’s an atmosphere of celebration on one hand and pure bat madness on the other. How can you draw if one of the parties acts so desperate? I mean, we’re having fun and they’re having fits calling you Hitler.

The Wall Street Journal says that “America is suffering an election panic attack.” Sure. But is it really a question of both parties? It seems like every four years we become more polarized. Hell, I remember the old days when Randi Weingarten and I played men’s doubles. Not anymore. Too much hate. So what are we going to do once it’s over? How does a person return from Does he call you a Nazi? Your nephew’s bar mitzvah is going to be very awkward. So let’s say you support Trump and he wins. How are you going to react? You’ll probably gloat a little. I’ll probably send the cast of The View a truck full of pigs to comfort eat.

Maybe do a dance in the end zone. But, you know, there will be very angry people if Trump wins. Damn, they’re already mad. And considering recent history, they may very well riot if Trump wins. That’s why I already covered my grandparents. You remember DC in 2017 When Trump took office and the next four years were just one long nervous breakdown on the left? Ask the human tampon, Tim Walz. For him, burning his city was considered freedom of expression. His wife loves the smell, which doesn’t say much about his body spray. And we’re already seeing how liberals behave when they think Trump could win.


You know, yelling at a literal baby isn’t the kind of thing you do when you’re confident in victory. Well, unless you’re going to win a paternity test. But we see the same hysteria every day on television. Right, Whoopi?

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: What we heard at that rally should be enough to wake people up because he’s talking about you. He’s talking about you and us. He’s not going to say, oh, you’re with the white guy. I’m going to stop you from being deported… No, he’s going to deport you and he’s going to put the white guy with someone else, the man is out there.

That’s not crazy. Seriously, did someone put someone in the oatmeal bag? equals worse when Morning Joe and The View collide like a 20-foot septic truck hitting a port-a-potty.

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski: No one is allowed to criticize the United States. Yes. Puerto Rican Americans. Nobody gets a pass. Degrade people. Nobody gets a pass. Threatening your enemies with the use of the army harms them. Incitement to an insurrection escapes no one. No one misses saying that he likes Hitler and wants to have generals like his. No one is allowed to insult veterans and say that those who died for our country are fools and losers; except convicted felon Donald Trump.

You need a pass to the psych ward. These people are not well. And if they can’t take care of themselves now, imagine a week from now. It’s a little sad that all we can do is hope the liberal panic isn’t as bad this time. But what about the other side of that coin? What if Kamala wins? Well, the libs have less to worry about on our end. January 6 was something unique. Unlike the Democrats’ endless tumult during the Trump years. By the way, Kudlow’s advice to invest in plywood really paid off.


Of course, there will be many complaints, and I already told you so. But the panic has less to do with the pro-Trumpists and more to do with the other side. If Trump loses, God forbid, you, the viewer, may be sad, you may take it badly, but you always recover because your life takes priority. Don’t forget it. Family, friends, God, work, politics for you are downstream of that. But for Democrats, politics trumps everything. That’s why Democrats say They wouldn’t even date someone from a different political party. Which is fine. Most Republican men don’t like women with penises. Most.

For Democrats, politics has contaminated every aspect of their lives. And if one believes that power underlines every behavior, which is the ideology of the left, then even friendships are transactional. It makes the real world smaller, because they lose other people who are not like them. They learn nothing except to hate. But you treat politics differently. You treat it like a box of junk that you take out of the closet every few years, you keep it away from children, away from public gatherings, and you never, ever take it to work.


Jan. 6 aside, Republicans know how to have a good time. Lively demonstrations, funny memes and relentless freedom of expression. Hell, we even changed Joe’s name to Brandon. Which sucks. Well, it sucks for him. He was already having a great time remembering his real name. Either way, let’s find out no matter who wins. The president is not the king of the United States and we are not his subjects. Whether we lose or win, that message is loud and very clear.

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. (Photographic illustration)

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. (Photographic illustration) (Fox News)


The media, the bureaucrats, the corrupt institutions, the elites, realized that we took them into account. And I hope that number is higher than theirs next week. But if not, that’s okay because we’re just warming up.

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