Ramona man sentenced to 15 years for a DUI accident that killed the woman-San Diego Union-Tribuno

Ramona man sentenced to 15 years for a DUI accident that killed the woman-San Diego Union-Tribuno

A man that the prosecutors said they drove drunks, killed another driver in Ramona by colliding against the other vehicle and then fleeing the scene, was sentenced on Thursday to 15 years in the state prison.

Abel Luna García, 27, from Ramona, was sentenced in the Superior Court of El Cajón in relation to the accident that killed Andrea Ortiz, 44, on November 25, 2023.

The 7:30 AM accident occurred on State Route 78, west of Weekend Villa Road, according to the California road patrol.

Ortiz headed west when a Ford F-350 crossed its traffic lane. The impact sent Ortiz’s Ford Edge for a embankment and she died on the scene.

CHP officials said that after the accident, the F-350 driver left the truck on the accident scene and ran.

Garcia was later arrested at home. He declared himself guilty of gross vehicle homicide in drunk, with an accusation of fleeing the scene after the crime commission.

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