Smooth Mars bar man receives £2 compensation from chocolate giant

Smooth Mars bar man receives £2 compensation from chocolate giant

Mars bars were first made by hand in Slough, Berkshire, in 1932, and are still made in the town.

“Some people who used to work at the Mars factories commented (on Facebook) and said it goes through a machine called an enrober, which is like the waterfall that the bars go through,” Seager said.

“Apparently they are blown along the top as it comes out of that waterfall. Apparently there must be someone at the end to remove the ones that haven’t been hit by the air.

“I don’t know what will happen to them then. I guess they were used in products that contain Mars bars, like cakes and things like that.”

As for other sweets, Harry enjoys most chocolate bars, but is not a fan of all sweets.

“I don’t like the strawberry and orange creams in a Roses box or a Quality Street box, but I do like the coffee ones. I remember they released the coffee ones a long time ago but I remember them as a kid,” he added.

Those Quality Street Coffee Cremes are only available in John Lewis and Waitrose this Christmas.

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